8 months agoOMC! Overhead Observation: The Nap-tastic Adventures of a Buff Orpington HenOneMinuteChickens
8 months agoOMC! Easter Eggers Brownie and Whitey battle for corn in a sea of Buff Orpingtons!OneMinuteChickens
1 year agoWE GOT BABY CHICKS! Ameraucana's, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Plymouth Rock & Blue AndalusianalbertaAdventurerFamily
9 months agoOMC! Sunlit Serenade: Beautiful Buff Orpingtons at the Fence awaiting snacks and goodies.OneMinuteChickens
1 year agoOur 2023 Buff Orpington Chics and a Visit With Last Year's Chipmunk Chics!honeybeepatriotVerified