You can't make this shit up. World leaders at G20 take the group photo without Biden, then walk off: "Where's Biden?.. Oh, my God... Do you see him, Joe?.. Far left, left... To the left of the palm tree. Oh, my God..."
You can't make this shit up. Biden: "I've also directed the development of Starlink deployment of Starlink satellites." Biden & the government have nothing to do with deploying Starlink to the areas impacted by the hurricane.
You can't make this shit up: Biden claims "the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump & his MAGA Republican friends, they said NO because they are afraid of Donald Trump."
You can't make this shit up. Biden: "I'm not able to go out in the crowds anymore. The Secret Service doesn't let me." Reporter: "Why not?" Biden: "They say it's too dangerous. No one gets to go out."
You can't make this shit up: MSNBC claims that Biden's appearance in the briefing room is so amazing & rare, only Obama did that, and the American flag has never ever been in the room before & only there because of Biden.
You can't make this shit up: Biden's economic advisor turns into bumbling mess after he's asked why the government borrows money if they can just keep printing it.
You can't make this shit up. Biden & these people are deciding World War 3 or not - if British Storm Shadow missiles can be used by Ukraine, a decision that Putin said, would be seen as Russia being at war with NATO.
You can't make this shit up. Kamala Harris about people in Hurricane storm zone: "They are appreciative of all the extraordinary work we do." Joe Biden: "What storm zone?.. Oh, they are very happy, across the board."