CPAC Makes an Example Out of Approved J6 Prisoner Attendees by Revoking Entry | Kash Patel Nomination Means Real Investigations Will Occur | Urban Areas are Overrun with Crime Due to Bad Bond Policies | Ken W. Good, Reverend Jim Harden
9pm ET: Did the U.S. Government Force a mRNA Vaccine Bioweapon Using Military Countermeasures for WMDs | Carolyn Blakeman, Dr. Mark Sherwood | Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner
The Central Banking System and Biden Threaten Crypto Currencies While Bitcoin Surges | Transvestites are Being Used to Cripple Americans Like Shock Troops | Christopher Key, Paul Bradley
Speaker of the House Vote Fails Due to Establishment Stonewalling | Hamas Used Drugs to Fuel Slaughter of People in Israel | Pro-Hamas Protestors Receive Different Treatment Than J6ers | Sarah McAbee
Covid Origins Mandate Moves to Biden's Signature as Doctors and Lawyers Move to Take Covid Vaccines off the Market | Democrats Lose Composure During Twitter Files Hearings | California Tracked Church Attendees Through Cell Phones During Lockdown
Linda Sousar, Pro-Hamas ANTIFA, and Southern Border Invaders Move the U.S. Toward Collapse | Joseph Lombardi | Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner
Donald Trump Clears Path to Rematch Biden in the General Election | Vaccine Hesitancy Increases Due to Results of mRNA Adverse Events with Covid Vaccines | The CCP Strengthens Its Military Growth While Stifling China's Economy | Jeff Crouere, Dr. Jam
Here are the 5 Point Ways to Recapture Elections from the Uniparty | Transvestite Terrorism Arrives for 2024 in Iowa | Don't be Completely Distracted by the Epstein File Dumps | Michele Swinick | Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner