Elon Musk | Killer Robots? | "You've Got Boston Dynamics Making Impressive Robots for Awhile, Mostly Owned By Hyundai. Hyundai Is Probably Going to Make Robots Humanoids That Look Like Kangaroo On Wheels."
El Salvador President | "Taxes Are Not Funding Government. Who Is Financing the Government? Government Is Financed By Treasury Bonds. Paper. And Who Buys the Treasury Bonds? Mostly the Fed. And How Does the Fed Buy Them? Printing Money."
Carnivore Diet | How to Start the Carnivore Diet with Doctor & Orthopedic Surgeon Shawn Baker? "When I Just Eat Mostly Better I Feel So Much Better." - Joe Rogan + Watch The Joe Rogan Experience #2069 / Interview with Doctor Shawn Baker (Nov