17 days agoCANCER ♋️ A HUGE turn of events! A loving person coming in! 💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
7 months agoRiding the big surf with the Yellow Magnetic Sun - The QC#16 16th - 28th August 2024Quantum Planet
12 days agoPISCES ♓️ ULTIMATE HAPPINESS AFTER THIS CHANGE💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
10 months agoEscaped Feline cat not yet reported/ black or white/ both! Venus retrograde! #444 Black sun during daylight! high radiation question it!Burnout & dry skin!?Msfollowmysmile
3 years agoDid A Mothership Just Protect Earth & Venus From A Passing Comet?*Hidden Knowledge*Venus*Anunnaki*EEARTS
12 days agoAQUARIUS ♒️ OPEN UP YOUR HEART AND TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
17 days agoTAURUS ♉️ You’re going to be very happy Taurus!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
17 days agoLEO ♌️ FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! 💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
17 days agoARIES ♈️ Surrender to the process, the Universe has your back💕Tarot Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
12 days agoVIRGO ♍️ EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE CLEAR FOR YOU NOW!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
17 days agoGEMINI ♊️ Letting go of the past and starting fresh! 💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
1 year agoSolstice Andromedean + Blueray Sirius + Pleiadian Emerald Sun LightCodes ~ Venus at Crown Chakrawhitegoldeagle
1 year ago777 + Sun Sirius Conjunction with Venus Mars Conjunction at Regulus ~ Queen of Heaven and Earthwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoFrom Venus He Came with the Divine Plan in Valiant Thor - Stranger at the Pentagon Mind…MyCatholicRedPill
12 days agoSCORPIO ♏️ YOU’RE ABOUT TO BE SO HAPPY SOON!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
12 days agoSAGITTARIUS ♐️ YOU’RE SOULMATE IS COMING, STRONG ENERGY!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
12 days agoLIBRA ♎️ After a Big change, your soulmate is waiting for you!💕Tarot |Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot
12 days agoCAPRICORN ♑️ A NEW CYCLE BRINGS YOUR WISH FULFILLMENT!💕Tarot | Venus Retrograde/solar eclipseDutchEmpressTarot