No Income Tax? | Will President Donald J. Trump’s Plan to End Federal Reserve & Income Tax Cause Gold to Hit $100K Gold Next Year? Did America Operate Without Income Tax Until 1913? Why Does Robert Kiyosaki Buy Gold?
ReAwaken America Tour | 22 Days Until the ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas, Nevada (August 25 & 26, 2023) | Request Tickets via text: 918-851-0102 or!!!! + "I've Never Been On a Live Show W/ Fire." - Kash Patel
No Income Tax? | Will President Donald J. Trump’s Plan to End Federal Reserve & Income Tax Cause Gold to Hit $100K Gold Next Year? Did America Operate Without Income Tax Until 1913? Why Does Robert Kiyosaki Buy Gold?
General Flynn | 102 Days Until Election | Trump Assassination Attempt? Cyber Attacks? Biden 101? Great Reset Isn't Discussed By Republican Party? Union Station Attacks? Bird Flu & Plandemic Part 2? Central Banks Buying Gold?
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23
Yuval Noah Harari | "Everything That Existed On Earth Until Now, We Were All Organic. We Are In the Process of Creating the First Inorganic Life Form. We Are Now Instigating An Alien Invasion from Palo Alto." - 12/8/2024
ReAwaken America Tour | 21 Days Until ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas, NV (August 25th & 26th 2023) | 131 Tickets Remain | Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102 or!! "I've Never Been On a Live Show With Fire." - Ka
G. Edward Griffin | "The Whole World Is Moving In Unison. It's Part of the Plan That Has Been In Place for a Long Time to Reduce the Number of Banks Until Finally There Is Only One." (Best-Selling Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island)
Fractional Reserve Banking | "Up Until Covid Banks Had to Keep On Hand 10% of Your Deposit, Then They Could Lend Out the Other 90%. When Covid Hit, They Got Rid of Those Rules. Then Banks Only Had to Keep 0% of My Deposit."