Robin Bullock | Robin Discusses: Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, CERN, the Depopulation Agenda, the Dangers of RHINOS, CS Lewis, the Coming Return of the Lion of Judah and Why NOW Is Not the Time for Tribulation
The Bible | What Does the Bible Say About The End? | "Jesus Authenticates Everything He Has Said About What He Is Going to Do & That Includes a Period of Severe Tribulation. He'll Rapture Us, He'll Bring Us Into Heaven." - Lucado
7 Year Tribulation? | Why Did King Charles Help Turn On a Climate Clock Counting the Seconds Unto 2030? (June 28th 2023) | Why Is a Climate Clock Counting Down the Seven Years Until Agenda 2030 Is Fully Implemented? (Daniel 9:27-27)