Bird Flu | "A Farm Worker In Michigan Tested Positive for Bird Flu." - Fox5 Atlanta (5/27/2024) + Public Health Officials Discuss Enhanced Surveillance & Farm Quarantining for Bird Flu + Is Mass-Scale Jackassery Beginning?
MPox Emergency | "The World Health Organization Has Declared MPox A Public Health Emergency of International Concern." - Sky News + "Hey, I've Seen This One! This Is a Classic." - Marty McFly + Mpox Vaccines?
Operation Warp Speed | "Operation Warp Speed | "The Public Health Response Was A Militarized & Monetized Response. When Operation WARP SPEED Turned Over Its Organizational Charts, the Top Organization Was the NSA (A Spy Agency)." - RFK
Operation Warp Speed | "The Public Health Response Was A Militarized & Monetized Response. When Operation WARP SPEED Made Its Presentation to the FDA & Turned Over Its Organizational Charts, the Top Organization Was the NSA (A Spy Agency)...
COVID-19 Shots | "(The Vaccine) Is Not About YOU It's About People You Interact With And That's the Social Contract of Public Health." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
GLP Inhibitors | “Nothing would do more to improve the health, lifespan and quality of life for Americans than making GLP inhibitors super low cost to the public. Nothing else is even close.” - Elon Musk (12/11/2024)
Devin Nunes | With Doctor McCullough & Julie Green | Why Will Government Not Approve TRUTH to Gain Access to Public Markets? Why Did Biden’s Health Admin Vow to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries?