2 years ago12.30.22: The WAKE UP just getting STARTED, Enough already, Space FORCE takes COMMS, BOOM. PRAY!And We KnowVerified
5 months ago10.25.24: Dash placed 45-47, Be Vigilant, Hurricanes, Ballots, Huge VOTING numbers, PAIN, PRAY!And We KnowVerified
11 months ago4.8.24: The DAY has arrived, DS to receive MSG-days numbered, FEAR is EVIL weapon, TRUTH wins. Pray!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago2.26.24: MOAB, B2 stage is set, SC win, Biden racist, Closing act, Don, Pray!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago1.19.24: Awakening coordinated, JP Morgan shock, UFC vs. MSM, VP Pick?, Flynn doc, WEF boom. Pray!And We KnowVerified
4 years ago1.22.21: The MOVIE...the FINAL ACT! Satanic STRONGHOLDS are being DEMOLISHED! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.23.22: Nano, Bluetooth, 5G, total CONTROL! Collision Course between Good & Evil! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago3.6.22: Sheila Holm connects GA Guidestones, Ukraine, HELLywood, Cronkite & the EYE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.28.22: HOW do you FORCE, BREAK, RESTRICT the [DS] without MASS PaNIC? Amazing PLAN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago3.2.2022: COLONEL drops TRUTH b@mbs, Biden embarrassment, Pfiz#r exposed! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.25.22: LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against CONVID CRIMINALS will HAPPEN! WITCHES PANIC! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago2.23.23: Prayers GROWING in many Universities, Trump shows TRUE leadership, Young Gen Z rising, PRAYAnd We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.26.22: The INFORMATION connects SPIRITUAL BATTLE/LIES from the ENEMY! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.8.22: The GOOD GUYS are WINNING! The US is connected to the rest of the WORLD! SPECIAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago6.5.21: AUDITS, FRAUDCI and MOMMA Bears...A great COMBO against the ENEMY! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.17.22: The GLOVES are OFF. The DS will RIP. SONG comms. Bold AG moves! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.31.22: Be ready to FIGHT! Canada, Australia, USA, Europe...WORLDWIDE awakening! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago10.21.21: The WARRIORS are ON the BATTLEFIELD! The ENEMY is on the RUN! [TRUTH] will PREVAIL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.14.22: Will make the SUPERBOWL look like a PUPPY SHOW! Busted! The END is NEAR? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago4.29.21: They're caught in so many TRAPS, and there is NO WAY OUT! Loving THIS! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago4.20.21: LIES continue to BE REVEALED! All HANDS on DECK for this FIGHT! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.6.22: THE ENEMY hates when we are united. We SEE THEM! PATRIOTS are in CONTROL! DS in PANIC! Pray!And We KnowVerified
4 years ago2.26.21: More arrests, suicides! [DS} HATRED of GOD's creation EXPOSED! PRAY!And We KnowVerified