Universal Basic Income | "What to Do About Mass Unemployment, We Will Have to Have Some Massive Universal Basic Income." - Elon Musk + "What Do We Need Humans For? Keep Them Busy With Drugs and Computer Games." - Yuval Noah Harari
The Great Reset | "About Half of the Jobs In the United States Is Threatened Today to Be Replaced In the Next 10 to 15 Years By Artificial Intelligence." - Klaus Schwab + "We Will Have to Have Some Kind of Universal Basic Income." - El
Yuval Noah Harari | Discusses Hitler, Hitler & Some More Hitler, Digital Dictatorships, Stalin, "Think About the Ideological Movement Which Was the Worst In History And Think What Would They Do With the Technology That I'm Developing Right N
Elon Musk | "You Must Understand There Is Not a Whole Lot of Human Beings Like You? If There Was One An Intelligence Being That We Created. Like Some AI Creature." - Joe Rogan + "I Am An Alien. It's True." - Elon Musk 9/7/2018
Yuval Noah Harari | "Some of the Most Powerful People In the World Used to Be News Editors. Like Lenin Before He Was Dictator of Soviet Union, His One Job Was Editor of a Newspaper. Mussolini, He Was Editor of a Newspaper."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Some of the Most Important Humans In the World Were the News Editors. If You Think About the Great Figures of Modern Politics Many of Them Were Newspaper Editors, LeninLenin, Mussolini..."
Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Think About How We Share Wealth In A Very Different Way Than We Have In the Past. Is It Some Sort of Universal Basic Income?" - Sam Altman (Elon Musk founded OpenAI in 2015 w/ Sam Altman)
Bennett CIA w/ Lindauer CIA: Pantagon Paid Wagner $6 billion for the Coup - Wagner is a Puppet of Putin - 45K of Wagner Fighters are now in Belarus Just North of Kiev
Elon Musk | "There Is Some Risk That Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Amplify Human Activity, But That It Starts Being In Charge Iy May View Humanity Negatively. If the Human Extinctionist Philosophy Got Into A.I. That Would Be Bad."