5 years agoReid Henrichs's Speech at Virginia Militia Muster(Franklin County)--7 March 2020ReidHenrichs
1 year agoConcealed Permit Fees= Modern Poll Tax& Qualifications=Modern Literacy Test. NJ We're Looking at YOUReidHenrichs
2 years agoSo I Guess It's O.K. to Advocate Open Sedition and Violate Civil and Natural Rights in Congress Now?ReidHenrichs
2 years agoMy Thoughts on Supreme Court 2A Case: Justice Thomas Wrote a Masterpiece OpinionReidHenrichs
1 year agoDon't You Feel Safer Now That the White House Has an Office of Gun Violence Prevention?ReidHenrichs
2 years agoRefuse to Live in Their Anti-Freedom World: Rebellion To Tyrants is Obedience to GodReidHenrichs
2 years agoRebellion to Tyrants: Valor Ridge Class Lecture After House Passes "Assault Weapon Ban"ReidHenrichs