Bo Polny | A Light-Hearted Conversation About the Solar Eclipse, CERN, WEF, Dollar Collapse, Moscow Attack, Diddy, Russian Warships Moving Into the Red Sea, the Drying of the Euphrates, Nimrod, Gilgamesh & Yuval Noah Harari
April 8th 2024 | What Does Eclipse Mean? Eclipse = Ek (Out or Away) + Leipein (Leave) Homeland Security On April 8th Preparations? 77 April 8th Facts: NASA Serpent Deity Mission, Red Heifers & CERN Restarting Hadron Colliders, Etc.
April 8th 2024 | CERN Explained In 27 Minutes: CERN Restarting On April 8th? How CERN Works? NASA Launching 3 APEP Rockets Into April 8 Eclipse? Billions of Cicidas Emerging (1st Time Since 1803? Red Heifers In Israel?) Portal Incident?