4 months agoThey're DOOMED: Russia Used World's Most Powerful Non-Nuclear BOMB in UKRAINE┃RU Captured NOVSELOVKABiological Medicine
4 months agoThey're DOOMED: Russia Used World's Most Powerful Non-Nuclear BOMB in UKRAINE┃RU Captured NOVSELOVKAConcerned for Truth
4 months agoHYPERSONIC HORROR: 500 MISSILES used by IRAN/SYRIA DeNazified Key Military Objects in ISRAEL. This is just the BEGINNING.teddolbi
4 months agoNew Record: Iranian Rus Fatah-1-2 Rockets, DeNazified Twenty F35s in 45 Minutes! Sent them back to Moses, where they belong.teddolbi
4 months agoThey're DOOMED: Russia Used World's Most Powerful Non-Nuclear BOMB in UKRAINE┃RU Captured NOVSELOVKAdeNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE