1 month agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationManOnAMission316
1 month agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 month agoPastor Paul Washer | We can never boast, because only by the blood of Jesus are we saved. #salvationIMTHEWRETCH
1 month agoPastor Paul Washer | God’s Perfect Love: The Gift That Changes Everything. #GodsloveIMTHEWRETCH
1 month agoPastor Paul Washer | What we face in this world is supernatural, it's a war! #spiritualwarfareFollowerOfChristJesus316