4 months agoPastor Adrian Rogers | Faith wouldn't be faith if we knew everything. #faithFollowerOfChristJesus316
4 months agoPastor Adrian Rogers | Faith wouldn't be faith if we knew everything. #faithManOnAMission316
11 months agolate Pastor Adrian Rogers -Happy Easter message - death could not hold Him - He’s AliveCarol GibsonGirlVerified
3 months agoThe Stars and Scars of Christmas - Part 1 with Guest Adrian RogersDr. James Dobson's Family Talk
3 months agoThe Stars and Scars of Christmas - Part 2 with Guest Adrian RogersDr. James Dobson's Family Talk
2 months agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefFollowerOfChristJesus316
2 months agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefIMTHEWRETCH
2 months agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefManOnAMission316
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