1 year agoFACTS vs FICTION KNOW WHO OWNS THE LAND - Not canada or their corrupt piece of toilet paperWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
3 years agoTwo weeks to flatten the curve to show me your papers | Andrew Lawton joins Ezra LevantRebel News
1 year agoCANADIAN FIRE FALSE FLAG! - They're Prepping Us For CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! - What's IN The Smoke?MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoJohn Allen Kuchar Zegrus is the reported name of a real man detained in 1960 in Japan forThe Audible Wiki Factory
1 year agoEmergency Meeting -Barrhead Legion - WED FEB 28th info in descriptionWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
2 months agoDec 22, 2024 Sun Message: Pergamos, the 3rd Church in Revelations - Pastor Chuck KennedyGOD-isREAL
1 year agoWho Ownes The LAND - Sure Not Some Fiction called King Queens or Corporations (SHARE)We The People - Constitutional Conventions
10 months agoJews with Help of MI6/CIA Downed Helicopter with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Board in Mountains of Azerbaijanteddolbi
1 year agoProof of Claim obligated to pay Property tax, income tax and other taxesConstitutionalConventions
1 year agoInformation to End the Fraud Fines/tickets -template in DescriptionWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
1 year agoParasites enforce STUPIDITY - Time to lock these NUT CASES up before they do more HarmWe The People - Constitutional Conventions
1 year agoLAWYERS ARE LEGAL MAMMON PARASITES ** LEGAL A.I.D.S.We The People - Constitutional Conventions