The Most Indepth! More Videos Exposing the Beast Mark 666! YAH'S Prophecy Excerpts 71, 27, 34, 102, 83, 113, 24 Part 1 - satan & his son's One world superchurch forced Great Tribulation Sunday Law Don't GO!
See satan's prophets Exposed! Home becomes Horror. Had HOLY SPIRIT but still Pretenders (Prophecy 13), studied dark teachings, became hybrids-fallen angel possessed, deadly false prophecies. INSANE & Violent
Amightywind Prophecy 34 Exposes "When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing.." (this means millions will claim it's not the mark it's for good)
Amightywind Prophecy 26 - HEAR ME, FEAR ME, BELIEVE ME! "You will see manifested the power of satan, anti-christ and the false prophet, the unholy trinity, using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to deceive many."
Amightywind Prophecy 114 - The New Zealand Baby Is Resurrected From The Dead! "Examine the fruit of the ones that attack this Ministry. This Ministry brings souls to YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, MY Only Begotten Son. Examine the fruit!"
Amightywind Prophecy 79 - Bride 144,000, Qualified "she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride is humble and Holy.." .."honor the true Shabbat.." not Sunday like YAHUSHUA'S Early Disciples no legalism does their best
Amightywind Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You! "The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven." Has much power, not anyone can touch it
Amightywind Prophecy - Faith Water Walker Overcomer Excerpts. People say you won't make it/tythe to a bad church. TRUTH Know the SAVIOR for YAHUSHUA SAYS "You organized churches, I laugh at you..foolish manmade religions."