5 months ago👩👧👧 Eugenicist Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood ✮︎︎ Rockefeller Funded Genocide By Sterilization And AbortionReal Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago💥🔥🎯 The Fall of the Cabal ~ "Wrapping Up Genocide" ~ Part 26 of the SequelReal Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months ago💥👽 Tucker Carlson on Joe Rogan Experience 😎 UFOs, A.I., Speaker Johnson, Free Speech, Genocide, Criminal Govt & MoreReal Truth Real NewsVerified
1 day agoStrafrechtelijke aanklacht tegen Pfizer wegens genocide - voor Internationaal Strafhofjeannyh
10 months ago💡 Deborah Tavares on How LED Lights are Slowly Making Us Sick and Killing Us. Just One More Way the Globalists Will Try to Genocide Us All...Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year agoIl biologo evoluzionista statunitense Bret Weinstein: "È un genocidio vaccinale"Roberto1965
1 year ago💥🔥 This is HUGE! Journalist Rodney Palmer's Explosive Testimony Reveals the Media's Criminal Conspiracy To Commit GenocideReal Truth Real NewsVerified
10 months agoJane Burgermeister denunció en 2009 a la OMS por la pandemia de gripe aviarBuscandoLaVerdades
2 years ago💥🔥 Dr. Vernon Coleman ~ How and Why the Globalists Plan to Kill Billions of Innocent People. It's Genocide.Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year ago💥💉 Dr. William Makis Discusses the "Sudden Death" Explosion of People and Children Around the World - This is Genocide!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
8 months ago⚕️ ☠️ The COVID Hospital Protocols Was and Still is a Genocide and the Ventilators Are the New Gas Chambers!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
3 years agoIl Direttore dell’O.M.S.Tedros, Accusato di Genocidio e Crimini Contro l’Umanitа, ci sono le ProveInformazione Libera
1 year ago💥💉 Ed Dowd - The Covid "Vaccines" are a Massive Genocidal Crime and Coverup! What are the Economic and Financial Ramifications?Real Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago💉💥 People are Dying in Massive Numbers ~ Time to Connect the Dots and Stop the Genocide. Stop Letting Them Kill You and Your Loved Ones!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago🎯 Closing Arguments By Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - The Plandemic and Vaccines are a Planned Genocide and He Names Those Responsible..Real Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years ago💥🔥💉 BOMBSHELL! US Department of Defense Conspired With BigPharma to Execute the COVID Vaccine Genocide Worldwide!Real Truth Real NewsVerified