Yuval Noah Harari | "I Met My Husband Online In 2002 In One of the First Social Media Sites for the Gay Community. I Grew Up In Israel In the 1980s, 1990s." + "Nothing Can't Exist Agains the Laws of Nature." - Yuval Noah Harari
Mark of the Beast | Is the Technology Is Rolling Out Worldwide As We Speak? New ATM Machines In America with the Mark of the Beast Scanner? Why Is University of Virginia Community Credit Union Rolling Out These Machines?
Amber Rose | "Satanists Help Alot of Women to Get Abortions & Help the LGBQ Community. Hail Satan, An Amazing Documentary! How Can I Become a Satanist? Jesus Scares Me, Knowing All the Things He's Done." - 2/6/24
Peter Thiel | "J.D. Vance Is a Salute to the CIA And to the Intelligence Community And to the Military Industrial Complex And Their Gravy Train Is Going to Continue." - RFK Jr. | Is J.D. Vance A Peter Thiel Made Man?
Amber Rose | "Satanists, It's Actually a Very Rational, Logical Religion. They Help Alot of Women to Get Abortions & Help Alot of the LGBQ Community. Hail Satan, An Amazing Documentary! How Can I Become a Satanist?" - 2/6/24