'Prophetic Roundtable: USAID and the Clinton Foundation...the Path To More Exposure in the 501c3 Church and Blood Money? Guests, Mark Taylor and Jerin Bynum: The Michelle Moore Show (Feb 11, 2025)
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Met My Husband Online In 2002 In One of the First Social Media Sites for the Gay Community. I Grew Up In Israel In the 1980s, 1990s." + "Nothing Can't Exist Agains the Laws of Nature." - Yuval Noah Harari
ACTION: RFK JR For HHS Sec! Trump & The People Want Him...DEMAND ALL Senators Vote YES – TAG, CALL & EMAIL THEM…DEMAND Your Donations BACK Until He's Approved! Make America Healthy Again – MAHA…It’s Time To Put Your Health First!