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4 years agoSouth Africa - Cape Town - Leon Muller’s funeral service. (Video) (b2M)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified
4 years agoSOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - Colleagues paid tribute to former Argus photographer Leon Muler (Video) (W6K)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified
10 months agoHebrew And Jewish Terminology Word Of The Week: Friend – Yedeed/-AhMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoSouth Africa - Cape Town - Leon Muller’s funeral service. (Video) (8AW)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified
4 years agoSOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - Colleagues paid tribute to former Argus photographer Leon Muler (Video) (pea)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified
4 years agoSouth Africa - Cape Town - Leon Muller’s funeral service. (Video) (rbJ)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified