9 months agoSoul-Trap Exits: Death Doorways, Soul Stealing and the AI Takeover in our MatrixSergeant Schultz
2 years agoMatrix Soul Pods: Loosh Farming on addicted Souls kept in Deep Sleep in Soul PodsSergeant Schultz
1 year agoExploring the Matrix: the Demiurge, Organic Portals and True Essence Souls in our RealmSergeant Schultz
1 year agoLIVE W/ Tena and Karen - Exiting the Matrix, AI Soul Traps and Quantum HealingThe Spellbreakers Podcast
2 years agoThe Demiurge, the Divine, and the Matrix: the Godspark in Souls vs. the Demiurgic Plug-inSergeant Schultz
11 months agoAlan Watt - Redux 155 - "Tricky Techniques for MassMind and Trying Times" - April 7, 2024Cutting Through the Matrix
4 months agoThe Dark Side of Incarnating in this Reality: Experiences in QHHT Confirm the Soul-Trap TheorySergeant Schultz
1 year agoSoul Pods, Immersion Pods and Stasis Chambers: How we are Projected from another Dimension to EarthSergeant Schultz
1 year agoDMT and QHHT Encounters with Mantis Beings: Is Earth being Farmed by Insectoid Aliens?Sergeant Schultz
1 year agoThe Reality of a Reincarnation Soul Trap on Planet Earth: a Reply to Dolores CannonSergeant Schultz
1 year agoInvaded, Enslaved and Forced to Incarnate on Earth by Reptilians: Intergalactic Wars and Soul-TrapsSergeant Schultz