James Giordano | Why Is Dr Giordano Talking About the Medical Branches of NATO Conjuring Up Some Nano-Particulate Dust That Can Cause Stroke Epidemics? "Nano-Particulate Stroke or a Hemorrhagic Diathesis (People Having Brain Bleeds)."
James Giordano | Why Is Dr Giordano Talking About the Medical Branches of NATO Conjuring Up Some Nano-Particulate Dust That Can Cause Stroke Epidemics? "Nano-Particulate Stroke or a Hemorrhagic Diathesis (People Having Brain Bleeds)."
James Giordano | "You Can Aerosolize Nanomaterials. I Can Create Small Robotic Units, Controllable Robotic Units At the Nanoscale And That These Too Can Be Aerosolized."
5G NETWORK TO WIRELESSLY POWER DEVICES. GUESS WHAT IT CAN DO TO NANOTECH (DARPA-FINANCED) - The brain is a battlefield populated by nanobots – DARPA’s Dr. James Giordano (2018)