6 months agoJW Bodycam: "Someone was looking out the Window"-"One Down" -Officer appears to Look for 2nd ShooterElection Fraud Videos
6 months agoReflection/ Gunflash-Silencer Audio Sync: Parking Lot Dash Cam, Stewart Tape, JW BodycamElection Fraud Videos
6 months agoPolice Radio: Two in Custody- 2nd in Red Shirt (Dave?) or Red Shirt With the 2nd, or Red Shit/Dave was with Crooks/Yearick? JW BodycamElection Fraud Videos
6 months agoNew Footage of Man on Roof in JW Bodycam: Climbs Up, Handler Confirms Below? Runs Across -CSTTElection Fraud Videos
6 months agoOstroff walks us through the New Film of Crook's Path over the Roof--JW BodycamElection Fraud Videos
6 months agoGray Hughes Spots Crooks on the Spot of the Roof where he was Shot; Officers Move Gun away from BodyElection Fraud Videos