Elon Musk | "Ultimately, Achieve a Sort of Symbiosis w/ Artificial Intelligence." - Musk + "In Order to Have Better Human AI Symbiosis We Must Solve the Bandwidth Problem." + "Best Case Scenario With Merge With AI." - Musk
ROSEANNE BARR | Interview with Roseanne About Satanic Hollywood & the Great Reset | "It's Better to Say Who Isn't In It (The Satan Club), Because They Are All In It (The Satan Club)." - Roseanne Joins ReAwaken Tour Las Vegas
Canada | "I Think Canada Would Be Much Better Off Being the 51st State Because We Lose $200 Billion Per Year w/ Canada & I'm Not Going to Let That Happen. Why Are We Paying $200 Billion Essentially In Subsidy to Canada?"
Peter Navarro | "It Was My Faith That Sustained Me. Just Before I Went In a Very Good Friend of Mine (Clay Clark), Said Blessed Are the Persecuted for Righteousness for They Shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:10
Dr. Stella | "Judge Fines Trump $364 Million, Eviscerates His Business Empire." - U.S. News + “Judge Bars TRUMP from Running Businesses In NY for 3 Years." - NBCNews (2/16/24) + What Is China Planning? “Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good
Dr. Rashid Buttar | My Good Friend, Client, Fellow Patriot And Brother Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died (1966-2023) | My Prayers Go Out to His Surviving Family And to the World Who Just Lost a GREAT PATRIOT...I'm Still Recovering from Losing Zelenko
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Never Saw Any Evidence for That (Higher Power). If There Is, It's Not Doing a Good Job. If There Is Some of Higher Power Taking Care of Everything, It's Not Taking Very Good Care of People On This Planet."
Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. The AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?" + Rev 18:22
Elon Musk | Dr Stella Immanuel | Did the Iain M Banks "Culture" Sci-Fi Series Shape Elon Musk's Ideas? "(AI) It Will Know You Better Than Anyone." - Elon Musk + Daniel Chapter 2:43, Revelation 13:16-18, Jude 6, Matthew 24:37
Yuval Noah Harari | "Once You Have AIs That Have This Capacity to Say to Themselves This Is Good I Want More, This Is Bad I Want Less, Then You Can AIs Starting World Wars & Going for Domination of the Whole Galaxy."
Elon Musk | Universal Basic Income? "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?"
The Antichrist | What Does the Bible Say About the Antichrist? How Will the Mark of the Beast System Be Introduced? Are We Living In a Generation Who Call Evil Good & Good Evil? 1 John 4:3, 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 & Isaiah 5:20
Money | "My Understanding of the Money System At a Fundamental Level, There Are Very Few People That Understand It Better Than Me. DOGE Coin Is Better Suited for Transactions (Than Bitcoin)." - Elon Musk (12/13/2021)
Money | "Very Few People Understand It (Monetary System) Better Than Me. DOGE Coin Is Better Suited for Transactions (Than Bitcoin). Total Transaction Flow Is Much Higher Potential Than Bitcoin" - Musk + Universal High Income
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Becoming Better At Understanding Our Emotions and Therefore Developing Intimate Relationships With Us." - Yuval Noah Harari + "(AI) It Will Will Know You Better Than Anyone." - Elon Musk
Peter Navarro | "It Was My Faith That Sustained Me. Just Before I Went In a Very Good Friend of Mine (Clay Clark) Said Blessed Are the Persecuted for Righteousness for They Shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:10
Dr. Rashid Buttar | My Good Friend, Client, Fellow Patriot And Brother Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died (1966-2023) | My Prayers Go Out to His Surviving Family And to the World Who Just Lost a GREAT PATRIOT...I'm Still Recovering from Losing Zelenko
Elon Musk | Why Does Elon Musk INTENTIONALLY SAY? "This Is the Most Interesting of Times." "May You Live In Interesting Times" Translates In Chinese to: "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.&q
False Prophet | Who Is the Satanic False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13? As In the Days of Noah | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? "A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Will Be the Final Fruit of Man Eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil"
Elon Musk | "They Are Pretty Good At Science In China. The Mayor of Beijing Has An Environmental Engineering Degree. The Deputy Mayor Has a Physics Degree. The Mayor of Shanghai Is Really Smart." - Elon Musk (9/7/2018)
New World Order | "We Are Now Going to Be Chewed By the New World Order Now & What Matters Is Your Relationship / God. Good Times Are Over." - Alex Jones (May 15th 2024) + "Digital Dictatorships." - Yuval Noah Harari