Alberta Premier Jason Kenney Talks About The Great Reset On Dec. 6, 2020 Covid-19 & The Great Reset - Build Back Better Agenda! #TrudeauForTreason #WEF #NWO #EVENT201 #AGENDA2030
Translation: governments are going ahead and augmenting their Populations with "gene therapy" and other methods without their consent! "Climate Change" SDG2030
Military Lawyer Explaines The Meaning Of "Gene Therapy" / Gene, DNA Editing Manipulation #Transhumanism All The Documents, Patents (PROOF) In The Description Below👇
Australia: Counter-terrorism teams monitoring “anti vax conspiracy theorists” who show “concerning behaviour” (which they regard “conspiracy theories” as).
Controlling genes with light New technique can rapidly turn genes on and off, helping scientists better understand their function. Anne Trafton, MIT 2013