2 months agoMEDIA BLACKOUT: Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for LNP/B- and EMR/F-Induced "Disease X" SymptomsLiberty TV
1 year agoSMART Meters: Public Testimony to SCC about Dominion Energy's current and proposed opt-out meter policy and charges (Nov 20 AM Session)Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
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1 year agoSMART Meters: Public Testimony to SCC about Dominion Energy's current and proposed opt-out meter policy and charges (Nov 20 PM Session)Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
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1 day agoOur Govts That We Had So Much Trust In Can No Longer Be Trusted! Reform Govts! Reclaim Flat Earth!Biological Medicine
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14 days agoPEER-REVIEWED STUDY: 5G EMF Radiation Induces the Body to Create New "Viruses" & IllnessesBiological Medicine
14 days agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
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16 days ago5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal!Biological Medicine
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