Vaccines 101 | Stanley Plotkin, MD Admits & Shares: He Is An Atheist, Shots Trigger Lifelong Allergies Against Eating Beef, Vaccines Contain Cancer, Gelatin from Pigs, Aborted Fetal Tissues, Etc.
Meat | "We Need to Transform the Way Food Is Produced In Order to Lower Emissions." - John Kerry (Joe Biden's U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) + How to Not Avoid Eating "COVID-19 Food Vaccines" While Not Starving
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "We're Developing an Ability for Consumers to Measure Their Own Carbon Footprint. Where Are They Traveling? How Are They Traveling? What Are They Eating? Individual Carbon Foot Print Tracker."
The Great Reset | Why Is the Media Now Pushing Eating Bugs As the "New Normal?" | "The Fourth Industrial Is An All-Consuming Industrial Revolution. Affecting All Services, All Products and All People." - Gordon Brown (Former PM of the
CBDCs | "We're Developing an Ability for Consumers to Measure Their Own Carbon Footprint. Where Are They Traveling? How Are They Traveling? What Are They Eating? Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker." - Michael J. Evans (Alibaba Group Presid