7 months agoDECODED: The Cryptic Remark of WEF Advisor Yuval Noah Harari about "the Flood" | Watch until the EndLiberty TV
7 months agoDECODED- The Cryptic Remark of WEF Advisor Yuval Noah Harari about the FloodNew World Order-Are You Ready
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5 months agoFilmmaker Janet Ossebaard (R.I.P.) Risked Her Life to Inform the Whole World about This Satanic PlanLiberty TV
4 months agoNWO Cabal Created Israel to Bring about the Battle of Armageddon - DON'T BE DUPED! | William CooperLiberty TV
7 months agoThe Great Debate on the True Nature of the Moon | Harrison Smith vs. Austin Witsit & Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
6 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
2 months ago"Eliminated" YAHYA SINWAR = JESUIT ORDER? They Keep You Distracted from Mother of All Conspiracies!Liberty TV
4 months agoTrump, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. Obey the Roman AI-NWO Cabal, NOT Zionist CabalLiberty TV
7 months agoPhotoshop Debunks the "Shadow" on the "Solid, Round" Moon! Reform Governments! Reclaim Plasma Moon!Liberty TV
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4 months agoGREAT REVIEW OF WORLD MAPS: Google Map, Mercator Map, AE/Gleason Map, German Map and Plasma-Moon MapLiberty TV
3 months agoIf They (Politicians, Patriots, Truthers, Media, Etc.) Don't Say "JESUITS," They're on the PAYROLLLiberty TV
6 months agoNWO Gatekeepers Distract the Masses from the Satanic NWO Cabal & Biggest Psychological WarfareLiberty TV
4 months agoJESUITS ERASING FLAT EARTH And Plasma Moon - COUNTER-REFORMATION of Roman Catholic Church (Teaser)Liberty TV
4 months agoNicotine Destroys Microtech Chips in Dental Anesthetic! Is That Why They Restrict/Ban Smoking? | LQCLiberty TV
4 months agoMore Lands Revealed after Correcting the Slightly Concave Plasma Moon | Divergent & Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
7 months agoShow Day & Night Footage of Plasma Moon = Easiest Way to Disprove Moon Landings & Create PM Rebels !Liberty TV
6 months agoThe Good and the Evil Are Battling for the Throne of Aquarius in the Last Days of the Age of PiscesLiberty TV
5 months agoHISTORY: Freemasons = Free & Accepted Masons = The JESUITS Who Infiltrated Masonic Lodges WorldwideLiberty TV
6 months agoWARNING TO THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD: The World Is Entering Into The "New Dispensation"Liberty TV
4 months agoThey Don't Want You to Think Too Much and Find Out the Sun Is Local, Moon Is Plasma, Earth Is Flat..Liberty TV
6 months agoAn Important Message for The People of All Countries | Watch and Investigate Before It Is Too Late !Liberty TV