ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas Updates | 18 40-Ton Air-Conditioners Will Be Powered Up to Keep the ReAwaken America Tour Vegas COLD!!! (August 25th-26th) 5 Days & 19 Tickets Remain + Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102
Climate Change | Remember Leonard Nimoy & the Mainstream Media Discussing Climate Cooling? "During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren Arctic Cold and Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of Our Inhabitable Planet Into a Polar Desert?"
ON DEMAND! FROM- Oct.24,'24: Margaret Sangers Evil Eugenics Nazism, implements her Genocidal goals of exterminating all minorities. Her elite billionaire partners share her goals even now through Planned Parenthood & Cold Spring Harbor Labs!
Fake Science | Leonard Nimoy "The Threat of An Ice Age Is Not As Remote As They Once Thought. During the Lifetime of Our Grandchildren, Arctic Cold And Perpetual Snow Could Turn Most of the Inhabitable Portions of Our Planet Into a Polar Desert."