1. Catena Aurea Completa 4 volumes (Santo Tomás de Aquino) por canal Três Vias

    Catena Aurea Completa 4 volumes (Santo Tomás de Aquino) por canal Três Vias

  2. Comments on the Gospel of the Monday of the Third Week of Advent Mt 1: 18-25

    Comments on the Gospel of the Monday of the Third Week of Advent Mt 1: 18-25

  3. Comments on the Gospel of the Thursday of the Third Week of Advent Lk 1: 39-45

    Comments on the Gospel of the Thursday of the Third Week of Advent Lk 1: 39-45

  4. Comments on the Gospel of Thursday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Mk 2: 40-45

    Comments on the Gospel of Thursday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Mk 2: 40-45

  5. Comments on the Gospel of the Monday of the First Week of Advent Mt 8: 5-11

    Comments on the Gospel of the Monday of the First Week of Advent Mt 8: 5-11

  6. Comments on the Gospel of Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Mk 2: 29-39

    Comments on the Gospel of Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Mk 2: 29-39

  7. Comentários ao Evangelho da Comemoração de Todos os Fiéis Defuntos Jo 6, 37-40

    Comentários ao Evangelho da Comemoração de Todos os Fiéis Defuntos Jo 6, 37-40

  8. Comentários ao Evangelho da Quarta-feira da 30ª Semana do Tempo Comum Lc 13, 22-30

    Comentários ao Evangelho da Quarta-feira da 30ª Semana do Tempo Comum Lc 13, 22-30

  9. Comentários ao Evangelho da Comemoração de Todos os Fiéis Defuntos Mt 25, 31-46

    Comentários ao Evangelho da Comemoração de Todos os Fiéis Defuntos Mt 25, 31-46
