Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk - 10/06/2023 - Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales "Thanks to synthetic biology, we can engineer living cells as biosensor devices and thanks to MEMS &nanotechnology"
EVOLVING LIVING COMPUTING Understanding and quantifying synthetic biological systems' applicability, performance, and limits - Biology, Bugs and Bits: computing and programming with synthetic biology - Brown University 2015
Self-Replicating Xenobots, Embryogenesis, Synthetic Biology, Morphoceuticals & Blurring the Lines Between Man and Machine | Michael Levin (Biologist at Tufts University)
Toward Interdisciplinary Synergies in Molecular Communications: Perspectives from Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Communications Engineering - Government funded by NextGenerationEU from the European Union and the ERC Horizons
DARPA Wireless DNA Targeted Quantum Mind Control. The Infinity Machine Digital Slavery and Sentient World Simulation. The Real Neuralink is DNA-link via Starlink
National nanotechnology initiative at 20 years: Enabling new horizons: MC Roco The unifying concepts and convergence of nanoscale science, engineering biology, information Tech, Cognitive Science bioN³tech