1 month agoTrump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront PropertiesRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
1 month agoTrump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront Properties | Reese ReportSusieQ4u
1 month agoTrump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront PropertiesTucker on Twitter (Unofficial)
1 month ago►🚨▶⚡Trump & Kushner recommend expelling Palestinians to build beachfront properties | Reese ReportZodland World News Channel
2 months agoMalibu in Ruins: Devastating Fires Destroy Beachfront Properties and Iconic The Reel InnABNDnews
1 month agoTrump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront Properties"Now it is High Time to Awake out of Sleep" Roman's 13:11
1 month agoTrump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront Properties! Greg, Reese ReportAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoTrump & Kushner recommend expelling Palestinians to build beachfront propertiesTellMeSweetLittleLies
1 month agoKhazarian Head Of The UNITED STATES CORPORATION Supports Genocide To Profit From Beach Front PropertyWaynePalmer
1 month agoIt's Officially Beachfront Property Now...Gaza Resettlement Is InevitableJason BermasVerified
1 year agoKushner's DESPICABLE "Beachfront Property" Plans, Hawley GRILLS Judicial Nominee, Assange PLEA DEAL?Due DissidenceVerified