2 months agoThe Stars and Scars of Christmas - Part 2 with Guest Adrian RogersDr. James Dobson's Family Talk
2 months agoThe Stars and Scars of Christmas - Part 1 with Guest Adrian RogersDr. James Dobson's Family Talk
1 month agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefManOnAMission316
1 month agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 month agoAdrian Rogers | Why spend time reading what you don’t believe in & not what you say you do? #beliefIMTHEWRETCH
3 months agoPastor Adrian Rogers | Faith wouldn't be faith if we knew everything. #faithFollowerOfChristJesus316
5 months agoAdrian Rogers | America is number one, but unfortunately… #evil #sinFollowerOfChristJesus316
3 months agoPastor Adrian Rogers | Faith wouldn't be faith if we knew everything. #faithManOnAMission316
11 months agoAdrian Rogers Why Did Jesus Choose Judas to Be A Disciple?Space Travel | Science | AI’s | Bible Truths | Creation Mysteries And More!
7 months agoAdrian Rogers | "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. - John 14:6 #bibleverseManOnAMission316
9 months agoAdrian Rogers | You may be [pure], but without Jesus you are dead in trespasses and sin. #sin #deathIMTHEWRETCH
9 months agoAdrian Rogers | You may be [pure], but without Jesus you are dead in trespasses and sin. #sin #deathManOnAMission316
8 months agoAdrian Rogers | The devil is a liar, walk in discernment my friends. #discernmentManOnAMission316
8 months agoAdrian Rogers | The devil is a liar, walk in discernment my friends. #discernmentIMTHEWRETCH
7 months agoAdrian Rogers | "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. - John 14:6 #bibleverseFollowerOfChristJesus316
8 months agoAdrian Rogers | The devil is a liar, walk in discernment my friends. #discernmentFollowerOfChristJesus316
10 months agoAdrian Rogers Why Did Jesus Choose Judas to Be A Disciple?.We Must Take A Stand Today For Christ If you wont stand for something you will fall for anything
9 months agoAdrian Rogers | You may be [pure], but without Jesus you are dead in trespasses and sin. #sin #deathFollowerOfChristJesus316
7 months agoAdrian Rogers | "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. - John 14:6 #bibleverseIMTHEWRETCH
1 year agoHow to Turn Thanksgiving into Thanks Living - Part 1 with Guest Adrian RogersDr. James Dobson's Family Talk