A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing | Seminar WIoT Institute - Anna Vizziello, from the University of Pavia, discusses the technologies driving innovation in body area networks to face the specific challenges
The Role of 6G Technologies in Advancing Smart City Applications: Opportunities and Challenges Sustainable Urban and Rural Development 2024 (SMART HEALTHCARE)
Exactly what I'm thinkin when the other Video creators Wont talk about #BiodigitalConvergence #DigitalTwin #WBAN #VLC #Optogenetics #A.I.MachineLearning #PrecisionHealthcare #KillBox #SmartHome #5G-6G #Biosensors
This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.