BRICS | "(Dedollarization) I Think It Happens In My Lifetime. Large Nations With Large Economies Are Already Transacting Business Bypassing the Dollar." - Charles Payne, Host of Making Money on FOX Business Network (February 8th 2024 - Kitco)
The Art of War and Money Laundering: Aid Money Stolen from Americans and Given to Ukraine and Israel Causing Inflation to Skyrocket. Magic Electronic Voting Machines, Mail-in Ballots or In-Person on Nov 5th? Which Way Counts More? Lol...
BRICS | The Railway Bridge Connecting Russia & China Over the Amur River Is Now Complete (November 16th 2022) | The Bridge Will Transport 21 Tonnes of Cargo Annually
Klaus Schwab | "We Have Now a Window of Opportunity to Create This Global Reset, Using Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, the Capabilities That We Have with Genetic Editing."