REAL-TIME EXAMPLE: When 5D Finds You’re Ready and Pushes You Out [Just a Little bit More] of 3D, but You Still Oddly Feel Wronged About it—it’s Called Unsophisticated Human! But it Should be ok.. You’ll Usually Adjust and Not Forfeit the Upgrade.
The Attempt for Higher Timelines(?) GUARDIANS OF THE LOOKING GLASS APPEAR TO BE BACK. But Why Are They Still Playing in the 3D YouTube Playing Field with Monetized Videos While Working to Help Humanity!? — New “INSPⒾRED” Interview w/ Jacob Frank
Magenta Pixie on Roe vs. Wade: The Deeper Agenda! [ An Information Share for the Spiritual Traveller Creating His/Her Timeline Out of Lower Density. Useless to the “Liberal”, “Conservative”, “Religious”, and All Other 3D Institutions. ]