The 4 P's: Phoenix, Priest, Prophet, Pindar. Obama is Now the Phoenix Having Taken George Soros' Position, Prophet, Muslim Brotherhood, Priest, Israel, Pindar, Level 100 Mason, Finances
King James Version is the Luciferian Brotherhood's Bible, Masons, Misleading Translations, Agape vs Charity, Compare with the New American Standards Bible
Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, Jay-Z, High Priest and Mason + Umbrella, Masonic Term, Clandestine Group, They Have Immunity, Clean-Up Crew After Operations + One-Eye Symbolism + Dark Magick, Bondage and Leather
The Porn Industry, White Witchcraft, Sexual Abuse, Child Porn and Child Prostitution + The Child Protective Services (CPS) Aids the Sexual Exploitation of Children
Florida Event and New Orleans + Baphomet Statue in Voodoo Shop, Baphomet Represented by Transgenderism and Homosexuality + EMF Detector, Sending Energy
Children Being Used as Weapons + Spiritual Gates, Alice, CERN + Biofeedback, A Lie That They Told for Strategic Purposes + Some Are Unaware of the Evil Deeds That Are Carried Out
Kleenex, Corn Flakes, Cadbury's Logo, 666 + The Rooster Represents the Reflection Room Where Masons Engage with Demonic Spirits + Luciferian Brotherhood Members Send Each Other Signals and Support Each Other