Why I'm Having A Baby In Thailand (Not Canada)
Lloyd And MandyIn Todays Thailand travel video, Mandy shares her experience so far being pregnant in Thailand after 6 months, including the health system here, expenses, access to clean food and water, and the quality of living. If you enjoy this content please consider subscribing for more. Check out our most trusted travel luggage by clicking the link (Use code: "LLOYDANDMANDY" for 10% off) https://www.clkmg.com/LEVEL8/LloydAndMandy The Fourth Trimester Book: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=the+fourth+trimester+book&hvadid=404594714112&hvdev=c&hvlocint=9001444&hvlocphy=1012729&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10427455915203552996&hvtargid=kwd-457754436911&hydadcr=26081_9772487&tag=googcana-20&ref=pd_sl_3lnfn27kle_e GET IN TOUCH: 🌏 Email: lloydandmandy@ruthlesstalent.com 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lloydandmandy/ 💻 Our Website: https://www.lloydandmandy.com/ TRAVEL INSURANCE THAT WE USE AND RECOMMEND: 🏥 Reliable Travel Insurance: https://www.safetywing.com/a/lloydandmandy 📱Want a Sim card that works anywhere in the world? Click here: https://esim.holafly.com/?ref=lloydmandy&utm_source=lloydmandy_youtube&utm_medium=affiliation&utm_campaign=q5VehUXArYA 💻 Our VPN we use:https://surfshark.deals/LLOYDANDMANDY 🖥 GET 50% OFF OUR YOUTUBE BUSINESS COURSE USING CODE "LLOYDMANDY" https://lloydandmandy.thinkific.com/courses/youtube-business-course 🌎 We always book our tours, transfers and activities through GetYourGuide: https://gyg.me/QdNvJdKO 📕 Mandy's Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MindfullyMandy 🤑 GET A $100 BONUS WHEN YOU BECOME A SAFETY WING AMBASSADOR: https://safetywing.com/ambassador/refer/lloydandmandy SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: ☕️ Buy Us A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lloydandmandy93.9K views 27 comments