7 videos
Updated 1 month ago
THE IMPOSSIBLE LYCANTHROPE!🐺 + STAGE 2 P2 - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Live Shorts #bossbattle
ShootingRiser#miniboss #rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros #bossbattle Special thank you to Followers: Richard and Zmoken! - Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl - Stage 2, "God Grant me Strength," is difficult. It is the first time Richter sets foot into the Monster Mash, which is Castlevania! After defeating the Behemoth, we had to deal with Mermans and those darn Bats! Afterward, we encountered the Lycanthrope and I actually died once during this battle! It knows martial arts! - Trivia: According to the Google AI Overview, the term "Lycanthropy" comes from the Greek words "Lykos" meaning "wolf" and "Anthropos" meaning "human," essentially referring to the transformation of a human into a wolf therefore they called them "Lycanthropes" Other names: Lypuston Lycant Wolf Man Were Wolf - A Werewolf is a Mythological human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf either purposely or after being placed under a curse - Werewolves drop the Black Belt accessory in some Castlevania games. This may stem from a legend that wearing a belt made from wolfskin will turn you into a Werewolf. - A popular case is that of Peter Stumpp, a 16th-century German serial killer who was known as the"Werewolf of Bedburg". He claimed that the Devil gave him a magical belt that enabled him to transform into a Werewolf! Source: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser15 views -
THE MYSTERIOUS DEAD BEHEMOTH + STAGE 2 P1 - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Live Shorts #bossbattle
ShootingRiser#miniboss #rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros #bossbattle - Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl - Stage 2, "God Grant me Strength" is difficult. It is the first time Richter sets foot into the Monster Mash, which is Castlevania! I love the weird dusty blue decor of the place. Besides the annoying Zombies and Evil Eyes, a mini-boss called the Dead Behemoth attacks Richter. It is super weird appearing out of nowhere with its tail munched off, probably from a Zombie? - TRIVIA Its Japanese name is Behimosu It is a type of Demon It originates from The Bible and the Dictionnaire Infernal The Behemoth is a beast mentioned in the Book of Job 40:15-24 where it is referred to as the largest living thing in existence and implied to be aquatic. Source: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser14 views -
THE MOST ICONIC BOSS - The Creepy Medusa + The Red Tower - Castlevania Live Shorts #bossbattle
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #medusa #bossbattle #castlevaniasymphonyofthenight Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl Special thanks to Zmoken! - Another iconic stage is the Red Tower, which is hard enough to keep Simon Belmont on his toes! As a kid, I could never pass this stage, but now things are different. This is also the home of the Medusa Heads and Medusa herself! Trivia: - Medusa has appeared in many Castlevania games - Medusa (メディウサ Mediusa?) is a legendary monster with living venomous snakes in place of hair, whose gaze can turn her victims to stone. In some occasions, she has been portrayed as having knowledge of secrets long forgotten. - Medusa wielding a bow and shooting stiffened snakes as arrows, as first seen in Dracula's Curse, may have been inspired by a particular scene from the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian, where the main antagonist, Thulsa Doom, commands a snake to become stiff and then shoots it with a longbow, fatally wounding one of the heroes. Source: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser21 views -
THIS STAGE IS AWESOME 😁 - Dinner of Flames + Evil Wyvern - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Live Shorts
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros #bossbattle #favio #bigtimerush This short features Favio from Big Time Rush! - Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl - After the encounter with Death, Richter Belmont finally makes it to Aljiba, where the creatures completely destroy the town. Among them are the weird Gorilla Skeletons, Double-Sword Wielding Skeletons, Ectoplasms, and Golemns! Some of the creatures that appeared here will eventually become staples of Castlevania! - The boss of this stage is the super easy Evil Wyvern and it can shoot fire, spit a fireball that will rush to the ground, and grab you with its talons. Thanks to the Axe and the Super Axe Attack, this thing will become Dragon Qabobs in no time! Ding! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser19 views -
THE BEST INTRO EVER - GRAND CROSS! - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Intro(Sound FX Edition)#castlevania
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1DCUVQOhQ-8nbkn_iSp7eG67Y0b-PCDy - Catlevania Rondo of Blood has one of the best intros I have ever seen! This marks the first appearance of the legendary Richter Belmont. After the village is attacked by monsters, Richter sets out to save his sweetheart Annette from the clutches of Dracula with the help of a little girl named Maria Renard who is part of a Vampire Hunter clan just like the Belmonts! - I went the extra mile to add my own sound effects to the short, and this is the original PC intro for the game! ESPANOL: - ¡Castlevania Rondo of Blood tiene una de las mejores intros que he visto en mi vida! Esto marca la primera aparición del legendario Richter Belmont. Después de que el pueblo es atacado por monstruos, Richter se propone salvar a su novia Annette de las garras de Drácula con la ayuda de una niña llamada Maria Renard que forma parte de un clan de cazadores de vampiros al igual que los Belmont. - Hice un esfuerzo adicional para agregar mis propios efectos de sonido al corto, ¡y esta es la introducción original para PC del juego! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser40 views 1 comment -
THE TERRIFYING DEATH ATTACKS - Stage 0 Boss - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Live Shorts #bossbattle
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros #bossbattle #chucknorris This short features Chuck Norris zass - Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl - The amazing intro stage of this game. As Richter Belmont makes his way to Aljiba, the same town that Simon Belmont visited in Castlevania 2, he is intercepted and ambushed by the right-hand creature of Dracula: Death! Thanks to the Vampire Killer, Richter can fend him off for now! SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser24 views -
THE MOST ICONIC INTRO IN GAMING + GIANT BAT BOSS - Castlevania Live Shorts #castlevania #bossbattle
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #bestintros #bossbattle Castlevania Live Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=OgAsaU7gnt7-Itgd Castlevania Shorts: https://youtu.be/jyyJsoCiiLs?si=JgDEp6XSxRMptYyl - One of the most iconic first stages ever created in gaming. The beginning of Castlevania and the story of Simon Belmont who defeated Dracula singlehandedly! The battle between good and evil is only getting started! - The Giant Bat or the Phantom Bat is the very first boss of Castlevania! I still get shivers with this creature from when I was a kid, I could never pass this boss! Well, let's see if we can clip its wings and send it back to hell! Trivia: Japanese Name(s): O Komori or Kyuketsu Komori(Vampire Bat) or Phantom Vampire Abilities: Flight, fireballs, swoops down to attack, and turns into a drill-like object Origins: Horror Films This monster is integral to the powers of Dracula SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser24 views 1 comment