The Fall Of The Cabal Series.FIRST ORDER - IMPORTANT - SAVE OUR CHILDREN Action #NOW and SAVE ALL CHILDREN #NOW❤️ Please repost this post through all your channels and please do not stop, repeat this message here so it reaches all corners of our Divine Earth and beyond. https://x.com/pascal_najadi?s=21 @Pascal_Najadi ⚡️REPORT ALL PEDOCRIMINALS⚡️ U R G E N T Email to Inspector General of the USAir Force Hotline Email Address (saf.ighotline@us.af.mil), write in simple language, any language. This is not legal wording, you REPORT the TRUTH and names, emails, contact GSM data points, and describe violations under ref. EO 13818 and under US Law of War Manual 2015 during wartime 50USC 1550. Tell this to all and as many other Divine Humans as possible, this needs to be out there through all your channels. You have the world's largest Military Force, the US Space Force USSF, behind you and have no more fear. NO VIOLENCE on your own, PROTEST OK, but NO VIOLENCE; let our Military and Special Forces in all territories take out the criminals: FIRST ORDER: Save the Children They NEED TO BE RESCUED. REPORT IMMEDIATELY ALL - NO TIME WASTING - ALL Criminals, Freemasons, Judges, Doctors, and Nurses that have done COVID BioWeapon Injections. Email address: saf.ighotline@us.af.mil All of the hours of research & video editing work that I do is free. Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weareone Join Me on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@AdrianReid The Fall Of The Cabal Series https://linktr.ee/weareqne Join me on Telegram https://t.me/WeAreOneAdeReid We Are One https://rumble.com/c/WEARE0NE https://www.facebook.com/adrianqreid26.7K views 77 comments