BecauseYouShouldKnowANOTHER HEALTHCARE WORKER HURT https://rumble.com/v1gvp13-august-22-2022.html VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 5/27/2022 https://vaersanalysis.info/2022/06/04/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-5-27-2022/ https://vaersanalysis.info/2022/07/01/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-6-24-2022/ https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html Vaers report 2022 statistics https://duckduckgo.com/?q=vaers+report+2022+statistics&t=chromentp&atb=v335-3ud&ia=web MILITARY MOM - HEALTHCARE WORKER HURT BY THE... https://rumble.com/v1gbiv3-military-mom-healthcare-worker-hurt-by-the....html AT WHAT POINT DO WE DETERMINE THAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK?!!! https://rumble.com/vm0tr5-at-what-point-do-we-determine-that-we-are-under-attack.html The Healthy American Peggy Hall https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHealthyAmericanPeggyHall "BUT WHAT ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS?!?!" The Law IS on Your Side - Peggy Hall https://youtube.com/shorts/k2w4Ideqp1E?feature=share https://youtu.be/14lAQTp09zU MANDATE NOT A LAW https://youtu.be/IIzqBNzyWdk Shanon Sheppard and Attorney Says Employers Can't Require COVID-19 Vaccine Under EUA https://rumble.com/vga12j-can-employers-force-employees-to-get-vaccinated-or-return-to-the-office.html VACCINES ARE DANGEROUS https://www.bitchute.com/video/shxOcrANWp6j/ PLANDEMIC 2 DAVID E MARTIN https://rumble.com/veci33-plandemic-2-david-e-martin.html PLANET LOCKDOWN https://www.bitchute.com/video/IYEODG2M8KMc/ WHY IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO IS PRESIDENT https://youtu.be/xtqPqeIADcU BEFORE YOU INJECT YOUR CHILD https://rumble.com/vxojr5-before-you-inject-your-child.html MK ULTRA - MASKS AND MIND CONTROL https://rumble.com/v10cyxm-mk-ultra-masks-and-mind-control.html WHY ARE PEOPLE JUST DROPPING DEAD??? https://rumble.com/vyujhw-why-are-people-just-dropping-dead.html UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY https://rumble.com/vymk3r-under-penalty-of-perjury.html THEY ARE LAWLESS AND OUT OF CONTROL https://rumble.com/vye11l-they-are-lawless-and-out-of-control.html THEY ARE LAWLESS https://rumble.com/vye0et-they-are-lawless.html https://doctorsandscientistsdeclaration.org/home/supporting-evidence/#recovered ROBERT MALONE - OMICRON IS NOT ONLY RESISTANT https://rumble.com/vy0xq3-robert-malone-omicron-is-not-only-resistant.html ROBERT KENNEDY JR. (STOP) THEY ARE COMING FOR OUR CHILDREN https://rumble.com/vsie8n-robert-kennedy-jr.-stop.html THEY ARE LAWLESS AND OUT OF CONTROL https://rumble.com/vye11l-they-are-lawless-and-out-of-control.html AT WHAT POINT DO WE DETERMINE THAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK?!!! https://rumble.com/vm0tr5-at-what-point-do-we-determine-that-we-are-under-attack.html https://rumble.com/vsc28n-eythay-areyay-illingkay-usyay.html World Government Summit 2022 Livestream: Day 2 https://youtu.be/P7smrUkfOq8 KLAUS SCHWAB -WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT 2022 https://youtu.be/x1-IhV9c-3Y THEY OWN THE EARTH https://youtu.be/RtrPfpJo9vY PLANDEMIC 2 DAVID E MARTIN https://rumble.com/veci33-plandemic-2-david-e-martin.html PLANET LOCKDOWN https://www.bitchute.com/video/IYEODG2M8KMc/ WHY IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO IS PRESIDENT https://youtu.be/xtqPqeIADcU BEFORE YOU INJECT YOUR CHILD https://rumble.com/vxojr5-before-you-inject-your-child.html MK ULTRA - MASKS AND MIND CONTROL https://rumble.com/v10cyxm-mk-ultra-masks-and-mind-control.html WHY ARE PEOPLE JUST DROPPING DEAD??? https://rumble.com/vyujhw-why-are-people-just-dropping-dead.html UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY https://rumble.com/vymk3r-under-penalty-of-perjury.html THEY ARE LAWLESS AND OUT OF CONTROL https://rumble.com/vye11l-they-are-lawless-and-out-of-control.html THEY ARE LAWLESS https://rumble.com/vye0et-they-are-lawless.html https://doctorsandscientistsdeclaration.org/home/supporting-evidence/#recovered ROBERT MALONE - OMICRON IS NOT ONLY RESISTANT https://rumble.com/vy0xq3-robert-malone-omicron-is-not-only-resistant.html ROBERT KENNEDY JR. (STOP) THEY ARE COMING FOR OUR CHILDREN https://rumble.com/vsie8n-robert-kennedy-jr.-stop.html THEY ARE LAWLESS AND OUT OF CONTROL https://rumble.com/vye11l-they-are-lawless-and-out-of-control.html AT WHAT POINT DO WE DETERMINE THAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK?!!! https://rumble.com/vm0tr5-at-what-point-do-we-determine-that-we-are-under-attack.html https://rumble.com/vsc28n-eythay-areyay-illingkay-usyay.html DR. JUDY MIKOVITS EXPLAINS mRNA TO THE NATION OF ISLAMhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/ggwdiMjhuvYQ/ HONORABLE MINISTER FARRAKHAN SAYS TO THE AFRICAN PRESIDENTS DON’T TAKE THEIR VACCINE https://rumble.com/vczt3d-farrakhan-says-to-the-african-presidents.html IVY LEAGUE TASKED TO MANIPULATE YOU INTO TAKING THE FACTSEEN https://www.bitchute.com/video/orXn3SaWHnCm/ "MORE BOOSTERS TO COME" https://rumble.com/vsufa3-more-booster-to-come.html Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Technology INVENTOR Says “Fully Vaccinated People Are ‘Super-Spreaders” for COVID https://youtu.be/wl5NcHpP1zM KLAUS SCHWAB - BACK TO NORMAL https://youtu.be/FLpmpDB9vng HACKABLE ANIMALS https://youtu.be/jduZQFaa4hA KLAUS SCHWAB -WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT 2022 https://youtu.be/x1-IhV9c-3Y WORLD ECONOMIC SUMMIT 2022 (FULL) https://youtu.be/GoHta23tlzM THEY OWN THE EARTH https://youtu.be/RtrPfpJo9vY Fair Use Notice: If his video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. "Artistic Messenger “entertains numerous alternative perspectives, ideas, and humor. Anything that is presented in any of the presentations is strictly opinions, criticisms, information, or commentary from many individual points of view. "DC RED “has every intention of being respectful of all worldviews. This channel contains strong collective opinions and/or abstract sense of humor" Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research; and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant decisions.206 views 1 comment -
SHOCKING & EYE-OPENING Interview w/ Dr. David Martin
The Jimmy Dore ShowBecome a Premium Member: https://www.jimmydore.com/premium-membership Go to a Live Show: https://www.jimmydore.com/tour Subscribe to Our Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jimmydorecomedy/ytlivestreams LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENTS: Email: https://mailchi.mp/jimmydorecomedy/ytlivestreams Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JimmyDoreShow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejimmydoreshow JOIN US ON LOCALS: jimmydore.locals.com WATCH / LISTEN FREE: Videos: https://www.jimmydore.com Podcasts: https://www.jimmydore.com (Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.) ACCESS TO FULL REPLAYABLE LIVESTREAMS: Become a Premium Member: https://www.jimmydore.com/premium-membership SUPPORT THE JIMMY DORE SHOW: Make a Donation: https://www.jimmydore.com/ Buy Official Merch (Tees, Sweatshirts, Hats, Bags): https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-jimmy-dore-show?ref_id=28416 Jimmy Dore on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Dore Stef Zamorano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/miserablelib About The Jimmy Dore Show: #TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.120K views 652 comments -
LLive Free or DieJanuary 5, 2011 - RARE video footage of the Conspiracy Theory show with host, Jessie Ventura. Denver Airport segment begins around 28:30. This show was scrubbed from the internet and home VCRs because it exposed Denver Airport that was designed as a gateway portal to the gigantic underground city that is below and surrounds the airport. Underground trains take you to the secret military base in Cheyenne Mountain. If there is a catastrophic event in America (like a real pandemic), COG (Continuity of Government) will be moved from DC and reestablished with government elites in Denver. Denver would be named the new Capitol of the USA. This entire episode and more was deleted off home VCRs and the internet the day after the show aired in January 2011. Denver Airport segment begins around 28:30. Reference: https://www.prisonplanet.com/64336.html Article: Confirmed Ventura's Conspiracy Theory Episodes Disappearing from DVRs http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/media/internet/news.php?q=1294511689 Shows finding their way to the digital memory hole include the already heavily censored “Police State” episode and shows on the JFK assassination and the worldwide water conspiracy. “All of the shows that we have recorded on our Direct TV DVR of Jesse Ventura’s Show season 1 & 2 was removed without mine and my husband’s permission,” an email received on December 27 explains. “We do not have any setting’s on the DVR which would allow or permit the shows to be erased and deleted from our Direct TV Receiver/ Recorder.” “Alex is right,” a comment on the InfowarMovies states. “I had 7 episodes of Ventura in my directv dvr. All of them marked as keep. The police state episode is gone. I think when they do code updates is when they erase. This is nuts!” “I have AT&T Uverse and the Fema camp episode has been erased from my DVR,” reports a comment on Paul Joesph Watson’s story this morning about the episode appearing on YouTube. TiVo has admitted monitoring DVR units. For instance, in 2004, the company said Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” during the Super Bowl was the most replayed moment ever measured. “TiVo said it used its technology to measure audience behavior among 20,000 users during the Super Bowl,” CNN reported on February 23, 2004. On December 2, Infowars.com reported upon a “series of inconsistencies” with the re-airing and promotion for the Police State FEMA camp segment. “The episode was de-listed from TruTV’s website, bonus clips associated with the episode were removed from the website, its encore airings were canceled and it was not played during the recent Conspiracy Theory marathon,” Infowars.com reported at the time. On December 17, Ventura went on Alex’s show and confirmed the government and Homeland Security put pressure on Time Warner to pull the show. TruTV is owned by Turner Broadcasting, a subsidiary of Time Warner. Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen also turned up the heat on TruTV. “Whatever the full cause of the behind-the-scenes pressure, it is clear that the government does not want audiences discussing FEMA camps and Fusion Centers or looking up H.R. 645, the bill named and read in the episode that authorizes FEMA emergency centers,” we reported on December 3. “Alex has done all he can to make sure the TruTV series is packed with hard-hitting facts and full of real, substantial issues. Though the show employs the dramatic techniques used throughout TV land, this is not the typical fluff. People had better understand that these are truly groundbreaking shows that are discussing damning evidence that the establishment doesn’t want sinking into the minds of a mainstream audience. Who knows if tonight’s water episode investigating lithium, uranium and fluoride being added to drinking water as a means of population control will itself even air or be replayed after the fact.” DVR services deleting the episodes in question from the machines of customers represents a new level of corporate meddling at the behest of the establishment in its attempt to shut down the growing truth movement as it methodically exposes on multiple fronts the criminal behavior and corruption at the highest levels of government. It also reveals how corporations and government are using computer and digital technology to remove media the establishment wants to shuffle off to the memory hole. Stock up for the Holidays with eFoodsDirect and get FREE Shipping! (Ad) Winston Smith, the protagonist of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, used a small chute at the Ministry of Truth leading to an incinerator to disappear documents and other records frowned upon by the state. In 2011, the process is far easier and more sinister – electronic media only need be deleted to disappear forever. See the Police State FEMA episodes here: https://rumble.com/vjpxmb-president-donald-trump-full-speech-at-cpac-2021-in-dallas-tx-7-11-21.html4.19K views 7 comments -
Downfall of Rome and America w/ Jack Osbourne - Hate To Break It To Ya from Ep. 170
Jamie KennedyJoin the B-Rad Gang on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheJamieKennedy Catch me on TOUR: https://jamiekennedy.com/tour/ Check out my Merch: https://jamiekennedy.com/merch/ Subscribe & hit that Notification Bell on my youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jamiekennedycomedy/ ——————————————————————————- FOLLOW ME: Website: https://jamiekennedy.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamieKennedy Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/thejamiekennedy/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jamiekennedycomedy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheJamieKennedy51.3K views 50 comments -
Dr. David Martin: "We actually introduced a thing called pseudouridine
Question EverythingDr. David Martin: "We actually introduced a thing called pseudouridine. And pseudouridine in 2018 was published to be a pro cancer agent. It actually shuts down the body's natural response to how we actually recognize tumors and suppress tumors. And we actually included pseudouridine in every single on of the mRNA shots to stabilize the mRNA so that it actually stayed in the human body longer to achieve its effect." https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1815627181986382177?t=kOlF2j2r4BjbvF3eP4F08Q&s=19350 views 2 comments -
🚨 Weather Weapons, Hurricane Helene & Lithium Deposit LAND GRAB | Massive Bio-Lab FIRE Conyers, GA 🔥
FomoTVAll SUPPORT and FomoTV links: https://linktr.ee/fomo_tv BREAKING NEWS: A massive fire at BioLab in Conyers, Georgia is covering sky with smoke. I-20 is being blocked off as residents told to evacuate. 🌪️ FOMOCAST 09.29.24: Join us for an intense discussion about the potential use of weather weapons in the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. Is there a deeper agenda behind the chaos? Was Hurricane Helene was a weather-modified storm used to displace people in western NC so elites can run a land grab on one of the biggest lithium deposits in the country? Also, we will look into the potential use of weather weapons being used to target specific regions in the U.S. just as the presidential election approaches. Are RED areas within States being singled out for devastation as part of a covert election interference strategy? 🗳️🇺🇸 🛑 Plus, we’ll break down the escalating tensions in the Middle East—Israel & Iran are heating up, with the potential to set the region ablaze! Could this lead to a larger conflict that will impact global stability? 🔥 Don’t miss this critical live stream as we uncover the truths behind the headlines and the geopolitical power plays shaping our world. 📢 Join the conversation and share your thoughts on: Weather manipulation and the weaponization of climate 🌩️ for PROFIT! Election interference and political TARGETING 🇺🇸 The Middle East crisis and what it means for global WAR ⚠️ 🗓️ Tune in now for real-time updates and expert analysis! Be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so you don’t miss out. Buymeacoffee and Extra FOMO: https://buymeacoffee.com/fomotv "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." -Matthew 24:24 #Fomocast #WeatherWeapons #HurricaneHelene #Election2024 #IsraelIranCrisis #Geopolitics #ClimateControl #ElectionInterference #LiveNews #RedStatesTargeted #MiddleEastConflict #NWO #WW3 #GOD #WeFomoHard1.84K views 15 comments -
‘8 Predictions’ of the WEF
palmernpUPDTAE: Hurricane Helene Armageddon-Like Scenes out of Asheville North Carolina ⁉️ Question for everyone… Do you feel like this is due to weather manipulation? That it was abnormal or intentional? I keep thinking about the ‘8 Predictions’ of the World Economic Forum One of those ‘predictions’ was that over 1 billion people will be displaced due to ‘Climate Change’… I’ve seen enough patents and proof that yes, we can and have manipulated weather… In fact, 1947- Project Cirrus was the first attempt to modify a hurricane (that we know of). It was a collaboration of the General Electric Corporation, the US Army Signal Corps, the Office of Naval Research, and the US Air Force. https://rumble.com/v5gp58l-hurricane-helene-armageddon-like-scenes-out-of-asheville-nc.html219 views 1 comment -
FDA Approves First At-Home Nasal Spray Vaccine
aachou79**Introduction: A New Chapter in Flu Prevention** Imagine skipping the doctor's office and getting your flu shot from the comfort of your own home. Sounds convenient, right? The FDA has just approved the first at-home flu vaccine in the form of a nasal spray, promising a revolution in how we approach flu prevention. FluMist, the vaccine in question, will be available for online ordering starting next year, marking a significant shift in healthcare accessibility. But with this new option come questions: How will it change flu vaccination rates? Will people administer it correctly? This article dives deep into the groundbreaking move and what it could mean for your health and the future of flu prevention. --- **1. The Convenience Revolution: Flu Vaccines at Your Doorstep** One of the biggest reasons people skip flu vaccinations each year is the inconvenience of getting them. Whether it’s making time for a doctor’s appointment, sitting in a waiting room, or the dreaded needle, these hurdles discourage many from getting vaccinated. FluMist, approved by the FDA for at-home use, is set to eliminate many of these barriers. Consumers will soon be able to order the vaccine online with a prescription, complete a quick screening, and have it delivered to their door. This ease of access is expected to boost vaccination rates, especially among people who dread needles. FluMist, which has been around since 2003, offers a needle-free alternative—just a spray up each nostril. For those who find needles to be an insurmountable obstacle, this could be a game-changer. But there’s more to this story. Can convenience alone solve the problem of low vaccination rates? And are there potential risks involved with self-administration? Let’s explore. --- **2. The Appeal of Needle-Free Vaccination** For many, the fear of needles is more than just a mild inconvenience—it’s a real phobia. This fear can lead people to avoid crucial vaccines, including the seasonal flu shot. Enter FluMist, the only nasal spray flu vaccine, which provides a needle-free option that has already been in use for years. The at-home version is designed for self-administration, meaning you or a caregiver can now deliver the vaccine without a trip to the doctor. Scott Roberts, an infectious disease specialist at Yale School of Medicine, emphasizes how this needle-free solution might finally bring more people into the vaccinated fold. "Many who forgo vaccination due to injection fears will be able to get vaccinated in a much easier way with self-administration," Roberts notes. This option could also appeal to parents with young children, as it can be difficult to get a child to sit still for a traditional shot. The nasal spray could reduce stress for both parents and children, encouraging higher vaccination rates in this group. --- **3. Safety Concerns: Is At-Home Use Too Risky?** While the idea of administering a vaccine at home sounds convenient, some health experts worry that it comes with its own set of risks. One concern is whether people will store the vaccine properly. FluMist, like many vaccines, needs to be kept at a certain temperature to remain effective. If the nasal spray is not stored correctly, it could lose its potency, leaving users unprotected. Moreover, the issue of proper administration cannot be ignored. Will people know how to administer the nasal spray correctly? Roberts voiced his concerns, saying, "I have anxiety that many won’t administer it properly, but at least that’s better than not getting vaccinated at all." If the nasal spray is not delivered correctly into the nostrils, it may not provide full protection against the flu. Despite these concerns, many believe that this development is a positive step in the right direction for public health. After all, access and convenience are critical factors when it comes to increasing vaccination rates. --- **4. A Look at the Past: FluMist’s Rocky History** FluMist isn’t exactly new to the market. It was first approved by the FDA in 2003, but it has had a bit of a turbulent journey. During the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic, FluMist was found to be less effective than the traditional flu shot. In fact, follow-up studies led to the CDC advising against its use during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 flu seasons. However, after further research and adjustments, FluMist has proven to be just as effective as the flu shot for most seasonal strains of the virus. The at-home version now gives it a fresh start, with the potential to reach more people than ever before. It’s a second chance for a vaccine that could make a significant impact on public health, particularly for those who fear needles or can’t easily access healthcare facilities. --- **5. Who Should (and Shouldn’t) Use FluMist?** Like all medical treatments, FluMist isn’t for everyone. It contains a live attenuated virus, which means the virus is weakened but still active. As a result, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and those with certain health conditions should not use FluMist, as they may be at risk for adverse side effects. However, for healthy adults and children (ages 2 and up), the nasal spray is considered a safe and effective alternative to the traditional flu shot. It’s important to note that, even with the at-home version, a prescription is required, and only individuals over 18 years old are authorized to administer it. The out-of-pocket cost for FluMist ranges between $35 to $45, but most people with insurance will likely receive it for free, making it an affordable option for many households. --- **Conclusion: A Promising Step Forward in Public Health** The FDA’s approval of FluMist for at-home use marks a significant advancement in making flu vaccines more accessible to the general public. With flu vaccination rates lower than they should be, especially following the pandemic, offering a needle-free, convenient option could be just what’s needed to boost those numbers. However, with any new health initiative, there are always risks. Proper storage, correct administration, and making sure the right people are using the vaccine will be key to its success. But despite these challenges, FluMist represents a promising future for flu prevention—one that could make protecting yourself and your loved ones from the flu easier than ever before. Be sure to stay tuned for updates, and as always, consult with your healthcare provider to find out if FluMist is right for you. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more health updates and tips on staying protected this flu season!34 views 3 comments -
Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech
Greg Reese ReportGreg Reese So long as we do nothing, the outcome is predictable. https://gregreese.substack.com/ When the COVID vaccines were first being distributed to the public, the vaccine inserts were intentionally left blank. Because they were never safe and effective. And for those who did their own research, they were discovered to be deadly. The Moderna patent for this mRNA technology stated that they contain self assembling lipid nanoparticle technology. And now that an estimated six hundred million doses have been administered to the US public, Bill Gates admits this. “Making the mRNA is really easy and really cheap. And that's the magic of this thing. But there's no doubt in the next five years, we can, you know, we just need to mess around. There's a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling. There's no inherent reason it's not thermal stable, it's not cheap and it's not scalable. And so, as over the five years we fix that part of it, mature it, which is very typical, we'll be able to build factories worldwide that can make $2 vaccines with even less lead time than we've had to have here during this pandemic.” ~ Bill Gates Bill says these mRNA shots can easily be programmed to administer any type of spike protein pathogen. And the Moderna patent lists several. Over a hundred pathogens that can be control released over time so that deaths will appear to be random and mysterious. Those injected are understandably having a hard time accepting this reality, and while they are busy trying to figure out where all the heart attacks, turbo cancer, and neurological disease is coming from, they are being told that it’s due to Climate Change, and that regular pandemics are to now be expected. During the roll-out of the experimental shots, mainstream media pundit, Chris Cuomo, pushed for vaccine passports and attacked vaccine hesitancy. “How are they going to know who's vaccinated? You just said they showed the card. That's not the answer. The answer is a vaccine passport.” “Part of the reason that you're seeing what you're seeing in Florida is because of vaccine hesitancy.” ~ Chris Cuomo Cuomo is now claiming to be injured from the vaccines “So today, the New York Times released an article that's getting a lot of play that says that there are thousands of people who say they're still suffering side effects, they believe, from the vaccine. We know that vaccines can have unintended consequences, aka side effects, but nobody's really talking about it because they're too afraid of blame and they just want it to go away. But the problem is people like Sean and me and millions of others who still have weird stuff with their blood work and their lives and their feelings and, you know, physically, are not going away.” ~ Chris Cuomo And he is saying we need a 9/11 style commission to figure it all out. “You need to have a 9/11 style commission to figure out what worked and what didn't, and what questions need to be answered because it's not over. So not only are we not set up for the next pandemic, and there will be one, but we're not treating people, millions of people who still have problems from the last one.” ~ Chris Cuomo Cuomo assures us that there will be another pandemic. And this does seem to be the one sure thing in today’s uncertain times. The released notes on the current discussions of the WHO pandemic treaty, are all about profit margins. Disease X is coming. The US Dollar is beyond saving. But while it still has a heartbeat there are billions to be made by another fake pandemic. And the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink, is saying that because of Artificial Intelligence, continuing the depopulation agenda is a good thing. “I could argue in the developed countries, the big winners are countries that have shrinking populations. The social problems that one will have in substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.” ~ Larry Fink So long as we the people do nothing, the outcome is predictable. We will be slaves to a bureaucratic non-human system run by machines. And if we want to remain human and save our souls, then we had better stop being complacent audience members and start getting involved. Pfizer whistle-blower Dr. Michael Yeadon recently said the obvious. Without an insurrection we can expect a new event that will trigger a digital ID connected to a digital currency, and a wave of fake pandemics with mandated shots until the population reaches their desired levels. And as long as we remain stubbornly divided, we don’t stand a chance.5.91K views 11 comments