Plank Removal #101 Part 2 of 3
Got Oil?A wife’s judgement can have beneficial aspects in a marriage. However, as women if we do not embrace our design, we can quickly end up harboring negative judgments. These can be disastrous in our relationships, especially in our most intimate relationships. Let’s discuss why our actions, reactions, or lack of them, can reveal the hidden aspects of our core beliefs to those around us. What then?12 views -
Plank Removal #101 - Part 1 of 3
Got Oil?Seriously! NO ONE makes it though this life without judging. In fact, Scripture doesn’t tell us not to judge, it tells us to rightly judge. So what is THAT?! In Part 1 of Plank Removal #101 we will consider what Yeshua is REALLY saying in these verses. While geared toward married women, every woman will see things differently after this. In fact, if you would like to be married one day, you will learn in a few minutes what has taken me 25 years to decode.18 views -
Obedience in Marriage: A Costly Perfume Unto Elohim
Got Oil?Obedience is a difficult topic especially in our modern cultural construct. How did Elohim design women and what did He have in mind by asking her to enter into a place of submission to a man? Those who entertain a worldly paradigm will never understand the esteem with which Yah values a woman fully sacrifices herself for Him.25 views