Missing Link of History. History MUST Be Rewritten. They Tried to Hide it. 5th Kind & Mathew LaCroix
TheWarAgainstYouMissing Link of History. History MUST Be Rewritten. They Tried to Hide it. 5th Kind & Mathew LaCroix 9-3-2023 - TRULY AMAZING - These Ancient Archaeological Sites appear to tie together a Global Civilization that may actually reach back FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS. - Mathew LaCroix has extended the understanding far beyond what he reported even just a month ago. *** Missing Link of History? Ayanis Kalesi | Lost Ararat Civilization - Matthew LaCroix, Paul Wallis - 20,333 views Sep 3, 2023 - In 2017, the mysterious - megalithic ruins from an unknown civilization were discovered on the bottom of Lake Van in eastern Turkey. - Despite mainstream archaeologists claiming the ruins were likely part of the Urartu civilization, questions arose after scientists admitted the timeframe of the Urartu civilization didn’t match, and the last time the lake would have been that low would have been around 15,000 years ago! These discoveries in eastern Turkey (both underwater and above) provide compelling evidence of a previously unknown – highly sophisticated civilization around Lake Van called the Ararat Civilization, that may be the literal ‘missing link’ to finally understanding the timeline and progression of the lost civilizations of antiquity. - This presentation incorporates new and compelling evidence to re-create the ancient story of the past by following the bloodline sons of Noah (Ziusudra) from their origins around Lake Van, westward through Syria, Greece, Egypt, and Peru – eventually leading to the rise of the Atlantean and Athenian Civilizations. - Show topics: NEW – History changing archaeological discoveries around Lake Van, Turkey (2013-2017) of a previously unknown civilization called the Lake Van/Ararat Civilization. Consist of underwater ruins, highly precise megalithic structures, and ancient king’s lists that link Sumer and Atlantis. Follow the ancient Sumerian bloodlines of Noah (Ziusudra) through his three sons of Japhet, Ham, and Shem and their influences through the rise of the prediluvian Ararat Civilization. - Tell the story of the Deluge and the end of the old world, re-creating the struggles of humanity having to start over through the Atra-Hasis, Epic of Gilgamesh, and Eridu Genesis cuneiform tablets. Connect the megalithic building styles, ancient libraries, king’s lists, and shared symbolism from Lake Van in Turkey, to provide the missing link to the rise of the ancient Athenians, Atlanteans, Egyptians, Peruvian’s, and Tiwanaku civilizations. Ararat Civilization, Lake Van, Ayanis Temple, Ayanis Kalesi. 🔵 Matt LaCroix Website👉 https://thestageoftime.com/ 🔵 Matt LaCroix Channel👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65X... ------------------- 🔵Paul Wallis YouTube Channel 👉 / paulwallis 🔵5th Kind YouTube Channel 👉 / the5thkind *Permission for use by The 5th Kind YouTube channel - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@MatthewLaCroix8.43K views 17 comments -
Civil War First Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) Oil Painting by Artist Mark Maritato
A Brush with History - Mark Maritato Historical ArtistHistorical Artist Mark Maritato’s painting “Taking Griffin’s Battery” depicts the dramatic climax of the first battle of Manassas (1st battle of Bull Run) where the 11th New York Fire Zouaves and the 14th Brooklyn fight to recover the Artillery battery of Captain Charles Griffin. The first battle of Manassas was fought on July 21, 1861 and was the first major clash of arms in the American Civil War. The battle was fought by two volunteer armies that were dressed in an array of uniforms that caused confusion on the battlefield. FOR ARTWORK For more information on Mark Maritato’s Artwork Please visit: https://www.maritato.com Purchase Open Editions and Framed Artwork here: https://www.maritato.com/framed_art_prints.html Fine Art America: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/mark-maritato Shop our eBay Store here: https://www.ebay.com/str/markmaritatohistoricalfineart Original Artwork here: https://www.saatchiart.com/maritato Terry James Gallery: https://www.terryjamesgallery.com SOCIAL MEDIA Locals: https://markmaritatoartist.locals.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markmaritatoart Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markmaritatoart/ YouTube: youtube.com/@abrushwithhistory Artwork © Mark Maritato all rights reserved. PLEASE NOTE: We will NEVER reach out to any individual in the comments section of this video and ask for anything. If anyone does approach you looking like it’s from us, it is 100% NOT from us, it’s a scam and you should either ignore it, or report it to us immediately so that we can have it reported. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT!24 views -
The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby - FULL AUDIOBOOK
Audiobook HeavenJohn Singleton Mosby, the ‘Gray Ghost’, was one of the most effective military leaders of the American Civil War. Leading his cavalry unit, known as Mosby’s rangers, he hit the Union Army time and time again with lighting raids. After these raids were done his troops would seemingly melt away, blending in with local farmers and townspeople. In his memoirs, first published in 1917, he gives a thrilling account of his tactics. This book is a fascinating account that covers Mosby’s entry into the Confederate army, daily life within it and major battles including Manassas and Gettysburg. Chapters: 00:00:00 - 00 - Introduction by Charles Russell 00:16:49 - 01 - Early Life 00:30:26 - 02 - The War Begins 00:46:57 - 03 - A Private in the Cavalry 01:01:36 - 04 - Johnston's Retreat 01:19:41 - 05 - Recollections of Manassas 01:30:57 - 06 - The Strategy of Manassas 02:14:43 - 07 - About Fairfax Court House 02:33:27 - 08 - Campaigning With Stuart 03:05:13 - 09 - The Campaign Against Pope 03:38:23 - 10 - First Exploits As a Partisan 04:08:41 - 11 - The Raid on Fairfax 04:55:13 - 12 - Stuart and the Gettysburg Campaign, Part 1 05:35:16 - 13 - Stuart and the Gettysburg Campaign, Part 2 06:14:48 - 14 - The Year After Gettysburg 06:54:04 - 15 - The Campaign Against Sheridan 07:32:40 - 16 - The Greenback Raid 07:51:37 - 17 - Last Days in the Valley 08:27:18 - 18 - Final Scenes 08:44:45 - 19 - In Retrospect 08:59:06 - 20 - My Recollections of General Lee 09:11:00 - 21 - My Recollections of General Grant148 views 1 comment -