Hrtkos - Ognie Twe Kosy (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalFirst release by band from Poland on Werewolf Promotion. Get CD here: https://werewolf-webshop.pl/product/hrtkos-ognie-twe-kosy?v=7516fd43adaa Digital: https://hrtkos.bandcamp.com/album/ognie-twe-kosy Tracklist: 0:00 1. Ognie Twe Kosy 6:10 2. Modła 12:10 3. Dzwonnica Głucha 21:04 4. Na Kraju Końcach 26:38 5. Niebyli 33:25 6. Klucznik 40:49 7. Z Podniebnych Mogił62 views -
Inexistência - Extinct... (The Coming of a Cursed Age) (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalTracklist: 0:00 1. The Adversarial Rising 7:03 2. Black Light's Curse 12:26 3. Order of Draconian Blood 19:42 4. He Who Fell from the Heavens 28:19 5. Diving Away Into the Sea of Madness 31:35 6. Twilight of Evil Crowned 39:07 7. Under Erebus' Veil 49:12 8. The Pride of Luciferian Race32 views -
Nargaroth - Amarok (Full Album) (2000)
National Socialist Black MetalA lesser known early Nargaroth release. A compilation of unused, unreleased and remastered tracks released by No Colours in 2000. Not reissued in about 10 years and long out of print. Ripped from my original 2000 No Colours vinyl. Track 1: Taken from unreleased No Colours promo comp, Track 2: Originally recorded for a Burzum tribute album, Tracks 3-4: Remastered from Herbstleyd demo, Tracks 5-6: Previously unreleased. Tracklist: 0:00 1. Herbstleyd (promo version) 8:45 2. Black Spell of Destruction 15:10 3. Shall We Begin 21:07 4. Into the Void 30:02 5. Amarok - Zorn des Lammes (Part II) 52:40 6. As the Stars Took Me With 'em116 views -
Old Leshy - Na Skraju Przepaci (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalPolish pagan black metal on Werewolf Promotion. Buy it here: www.werewolf-webshop.pl www.str-hold.com www.oldleshy.bandcamp.com Tracklist: 0:00 1. Na Skraju Przepaści (Pogarda dla Ludzkości) (Edge of the Abyss (Contempt for Humanity)) 6:22 2. Nienawiść Płynąca w Mym Wnętrzu (Hatred Flowing Within Me) 12:45 3. Upadły Świat (Fallen World) 17:49 4. W Lodowatych Czeluściach (In the Icy Depths) 23:53 5. Cumulonimbus (cumulus clouds) 30:29 6. Za Mgłą II (Beyond the Fog II) 35:13 7. Zjaw i Kruków Żer (The Phantom and the Raven Prey) 39:12 8. W Krainie Leszego (Las) (In the Land of the Leshen) 44:16 9. Aurora Borealis 50:52 10. W Autystycznej Zabłąkanej Duszy (In an autistic stray soul) 53:49 11. This Will End The Cold War51 views -
Magog - Weisheit Und Ahnenkult (Full Album) (2003)
National Socialist Black MetalGerman pagan/folk black metal. Tracklist: 0:00 1. Unbekehrbar 5:12 2. Freier Glaube (Free Faith) 8:24 3. Der Gelsalbte (The Anointed One) 12:03 4. Traum Der Wirklichkeit (Dream of reality) 16:04 5. Die Alten Feuer Von Mittgart (The Old Fires of Mittgart) 20:39 6. V.O.D. 23:56 7. Ran An Den Pfaff! (?? this isnt german) 27:15 8. Wehklagen (Lament) 28:04 9. Seelenschmerz (Pain of the soul) 32:47 10. Kraft - Sonne - Macht - Licht (Power - Sun - Strength - Light)53 views -
Ruthanas - In Der Felsenschlucht (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalFirst release from German black metal band. Really interesting riffs on this album. Last song is really good. I'm sure I've heard part of that riff somewhere but its still really good. Tracklist: 0:00 1. Ruf der Walküren (Call of the Valkyries) 1:39 2. Tal des Todes (Valley of Death) 5:53 3. Der Fluch (The Curse) 9:58 4. Bergemarsch (Mountain March) 14:38 5. In Ehrenzeiten (In Times of Honour) 24:13 6. Heimatlied (Homeland Song)49 views -
Nachtmystium / Leviathan - In the Valley of Death, Where Black Metal Is King (Full Album) (2018)
National Socialist Black MetalTracklist: 0:00 1. Nachtmystium - An Eternal Kingdom Of Fire (Judas Iscariot cover 2018) 7:20 2. Nachtmystium - Kronet (Ildjarn cover 2003) 10:24 3. Nachtmystium - Bak To Lysende Oyne (Ildjarn cover 2003) 13:09 4. Nachtmystium - Satanic Blood 15:10 5. Nachtmystium - Dunkelheit (Burzum cover 2018 - instrumental) 21:55 6. Leviathan - Dark December (Ildjarn cover 2003) 25:15 7. Leviathan - Nocturnal Gathering (Ildjarn cover 2003) 31:18 8. Leviathan - Blood Angel (Von cover 2002)151 views -
Heraldic Blaze - Blazoned Heraldry (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalUSA/Norway demo released on Purity Through Fire. Tracklist: 0:00 1. Torchbearers Of Our Time 4:21 2. Far Shooting Apollo 8:53 3. The Accolade Of Truth 13:42 4. A Sovereign Spire 18:47 5. The Knight's Folly 21:01 6. Scourge Of The Sycophant59 views -
Altertum / Solus Grief - I skyggen mellom liv og død (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalSplit "In the shadow between life and death" between two Norwegian bm/dsbm bands released on Purity Through Fire in 2024. Buy it here: https://shop.purity-through-fire.com/en/solus-grief-altertum-i-skyggen-mellom-liv-og-dod-split-digipak-cd.html 0:00 1. Altertum - Scorched by Heavenly Fire 6:46 2. Altertum - Fog and Darkness 11:25 3. Altertum - Glimmer of Steel 16:41 4. Altertum - Crimson Twilight 22:47 5. Solus Grief - Mass of Stolen Fires 32:31 6. Solus Grief - Nexus 34:15 Solus Grief - In This Life49 views -
Pâlefroid - L'Appel (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black MetalFrench nationalist melodic black metal Tracklist: 0:00 1. L'impie (Ungodly) 4:40 2. Debout les morts! (Rise up the dead!) 9:37 3. Reconquête (Reconquest) 14:38 4. La houle (The Swell) 19:34 5. Sur Les Ailes De La Tempête (feat. Hyver) (On the Wings of the Storm) 24:35 6. L'Appel (The Call) 30:48 7. Bâtard Galeux (Mangy Bastard) 36:33 8. Pro Patria Mori (To Die For One's Homeland) 42:46 9. La Mort Du Roy (The King's Death)52 views