FRAZZLEDRIP: A Hillary Clinton "SATANIC SNUFF FILM" found on Anthony Weiners laptop in 2016
LLibertarian99Back in 2016 during the presidential race between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton's aid Huma Abedin's husband Anthony Wiener was busted for chatting/sexting with underaged girls by the New York Police and as they went through his LAPTOP they found a file named "LIFE INSURANCE". It allegedly is a video of Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin terrorizing and slicing a young girls face off in a Satanic ritual and it is on the DARK NET under the title called "FRAZZLEDRIP". Back in 2016 when this was coming out, I had heard 3-4 separate sources confirm they had contacts inside the NY Police Dept saying this video was REAL and that these NY Police Officers had viewed it. Two that I remember were Roger Stone & Erik Prince saying they had NYPD contacts that told them about this SNUFF FILM on Anthony Wieners laptop. At the time the NYPD Chief said they were going to go PUBLIC with this horrific video as it was so disturbing but it was Barack Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch that came down on the NYPD and issuing THREATS of what she would do if they went public with this video. That was 8 years ago but there are people online saying they viewed the SNUFF FILM on the Dark Web (As you see some screenshots of it in this video @2:00, @3:08, @3:27,) but it is illegal to download it (Of course, they make anything illegal so they can COVER UP the CRIMES!). Back then I remember it was only 3 of the detectives that had committed SUICIDE and now 9 of the 12 investigators who looked into the FRAZZLEDRIP video have now committed suicide? Sounds more like "ARKANCIDED" as we all know too well by the Clintons and others. Source video: The People's Voice https://rumble.com/v4v51he-ashley-biden-singing-like-a-canary-in-elite-pedophile-investigation.html10.3K views 8 comments -
DaveyTutOriginally created by FLAT EARTH BROTHERS https://youtu.be/4-zzqW1WKZE Happy 50th Anniversary NASA for pulling off the greatest HOAX known to man. You would never have been able to do it without help from your god, prince of this world, Lucifer189 views -
GGodsFlatEarthOriginal source : Jim Crenshaw https://www.bitchute.com/channel/NYZMjDr6JOG3/ God's Flat Earth - Rumble https://rumble.com/vc1bt6-the-flat-earth-theory-a-short-introduction.html God's Flat Earth - Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Hg0WPWBC6TGI/ God's Flat Earth - Odysee https://odysee.com/@Godsflatearth:a The Myth of Seeing a Curved Horizon https://www.bitchute.com/video/vspxl4WxJFtK/ Flying Over The Earth https://www.bitchute.com/video/KGMLA2psbT3a/ The Flat Earth Theory - A Short Introduction https://www.bitchute.com/video/dLie3sEIwSby/ NASA Lies Believing In The Moon Landings (For The Attention Of David Wood) https://www.bitchute.com/video/czkY2krZiV2U/ Your Eyes Reveal The Truth Boats don't sail over the curve of the earth - they sail out of our visual range The Horizon / Perspective & Angular Resolution https://www.bitchute.com/video/sqKokgG67qeP/ TOP 10 Reasons Why I Dont Trust NASA https://www.bitchute.com/video/YUulhTrtoAfM/ Antarctica & Admiral Byrd: Operation Fishbowl / Dominic https://www.bitchute.com/video/eA4JafbdfH8d/ NASA Images & Photoshop https://www.bitchute.com/video/EC7gZFXSL2ty/ NASA Space Fakery ... Underwater Space Walks https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y4DkSxtNplva/ Lessons On Islam Owen Benjamin https://www.bitchute.com/video/B4Y09jq6Xt40/ Copyright notice: This video is protected under the “Fair Use Copyright Act of 1976” for the purposes of education, news reporting, research, criticism and public discussion. Below is a link to a blog concerning the 9/11 New York building collapses. If you are interested please click the link below http://warbywayofdeception.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/there-are-singular-moments-in-history.html#moreDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescri4.39K views 8 comments