Riccardo Bosi & Q Military Ops > It's All About to Blow Up!
New Q. SGH SG Anon💠 Please subscribe new channel: https://rumble.com/c/50USC1550 *************************** We will update the video link on telegram soon: 📢📢 Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/SGHSGAnon.2.55K views 9 comments -
Drone footage captures giant basking sharks in Ireland
galwaycinematographyCheck out this phenomenal drone footage of these giant basking sharks off the coast of Ireland. How cool is that?!11.9K views 103 comments -
Drone captures incredible footage of 850-year-old lighthouse in Ireland
galwaycinematographyThe second oldest operating lighthouse in the world is called the Hook Lighthouse in Ireland. Check out this stunning drone footage of this historic landmark!445 views 28 comments -
Amazing gathering of sailboats in Galway Bay, Ireland
galwaycinematographyThese Galway hookers on the bay are waiting for some wind to help them sail. Check out this beautiful drone footage!248 views 15 comments -
Celebrate TruthBiblical Cosmology Presentation by Austin Whitsitt at the Old StateSaloon live-streamed on June 5, 2024 Visit Austin's channel https://www.youtube.com/@Witsit Scientism Exposed 1 & 2 on DVD and Digital Download & the brand new book is available now! https://celebratetruth.org/ 🅰 Get Robbie Davidson's first book on Amazon https://celebratetruth.org/collections/scientism-exposed-book CELEBRATE TRUTH ✔Subscribe http://bit.ly/1UCqKlZ ✉EMAIL: iCelebrateTruth@gmail.com •WEBSITE: https://celebratetruth.org •FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/celebratetruth •GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CelebrateTruth ROBBIE DAVIDSON ✔Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/user/RobbieDtv •FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/robbie.davidson •TWITTER: http://twitter.com/mrrobbied •INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/mrrobbied ▪If you enjoy my work, I would love your support▪ 💲 Become a Patron! http://bit.ly/2r0nieF 💲 Donate on PayPal http://paypal.me/CelebrateTruth 💲 Send a Tip! https://streamlabs.com/celebratetruth PURCHASE DVD's Scientism Exposed 1 & 2 @ http://CelebrateTruth.org SHARE, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Celebrate Truth - John 14:6 - Blessings11.7K views 13 comments -
Uncensored Church Sermon #25: The Sin War
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