The Orville New Horizons: Live Reaction/Reviews
12 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Live recorded reaction and episode reviews for The Orville season 3 titled The Orville: New Horizons.
The Orville Season 3 New Horizons Official Trailer Reaction!
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEIn this video, you'll see and hear my reaction to the official trailer for The Orville season 3 also known as The Orville: New Horizons! #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #TheOrvilleReationVideo Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976: Allowance is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. I do not own the content used in this video. All credits go to the their rightful owners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA PACIFIC.414 Instagram https://www.Instagram.com/pacific_414 Pacific414 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pacific414 Pacific414 Twitter https://www.twitter.com/pacific414 Pacific414 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2361330164115788 Discord https://discord.gg/42YnyaVf6B Guilded https://www.guilded.gg/i/2ye7vOL218 views -
PACIFIC414 Episode Review: Let's Talk About The Orville Season 3 New Horizons Countdown
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLETonight we are one week away from the third season premier of Seth MacFarlane's The Orville! It has been three years since we last saw the crew of the Union Exploratory Vessel Orville (EVC-197) and joined then on an adventure! We will ask ourselves what season three may or may not have instore and what repercussions there may or may not be from the season two finale "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow". Join us for this fun filled stream. #TheOrville #TheOrvilleSeason3 #OrvilleNew Horizons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to: The Nerdporeal Lifeform https://www.youtube.com/c/TheNerdporealLifeform Spock;s Friday Nights https://www.youtube.com/c/Spock%E2%80%99sFridayNights Anono Mass https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB6aygNGP5c5WEHzGK8gM6g/featured ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976: Allowance is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. I do not own the content used in this video. All credits go to the their rightful owners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All articles discussed in this video belong to their original publisher and are used to offer opinion and criticism. https://gizmodo.com/seth-macfarlane-the-orville-season-3-hulu-star-trek-1848964522?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=dlvrit&utm_content=gizmodo https://bleedingcool.com/tv/the-orville-seth-macfarlane-on-s03-fox-to-hulu-move-thank-the-lord/ SOCIAL MEDIA PACIFIC.414 Instagram https://www.Instagram.com/pacific_414 Pacific414 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pacific414 Pacific414 Twitter https://www.twitter.com/pacific414 Pacific414 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2361330164115788 Discord https://discord.gg/42YnyaVf6B Guilded https://www.guilded.gg/i/2ye7vOL214 views -
The Orville Season 3 New Horizons EP 1 "Electric Sheep" LIVE REACTION
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLESeason three of Seth MacFarlane's The Orville has officially begun on Hulu after a three year wait! The first episode of the season will catch us up with Captain Ed Mercer (Seth MacFarlane), Commander Kelly Grayson (Adrianne Palicki), Lt. Commander Bortus (Peter Macon), Dr. Claire Finn (Penny Johnson Gerald), Lt. Commander John LaMarr (J. Lee), Lt. Gordon Malloy (Scott Grimes), Lt. Talia Keyali (Jessica Szohr), and Isaac (Mark Jackson). In this episode of The Orville, we are introduced to the newest member of the ECV-197 Orville Ensign Charly Burke (Anne Winters) and learn together what the crew has been up to since the season two finale "The Road Not Taken". Fire up your quantum drive and let's experience the season premiere by reacting to it LIVE! #TheOrville #TheOrvilleSeason3 #TheOrvilleNewHorizons SOCIAL MEDIA PACIFIC.414 Instagram https://www.Instagram.com/pacific_414 Pacific414 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pacific414 Pacific414 Twitter https://www.twitter.com/pacific414 Pacific414 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2361330164115788 Discord https://discord.gg/42YnyaVf6B Guilded https://www.guilded.gg/i/2ye7vOL259 views -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 2 "Shadow Realms" Live Reaction & Review PACIFIC414 Episode Review
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEThursday night at midnight eastern, I will be reacting and reviewing the second episode of The Orville New Horizons "Shadow Realms". Will the episode receive as high praise as the third season premiere episode "Electric Sheep"? Watch along with me to find out! #theorville #newhorizons #livereaction SOCIAL MEDIA PACIFIC.414 Instagram https://www.Instagram.com/pacific_414 Pacific414 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pacific414 Pacific414 Twitter https://www.twitter.com/pacific414 Pacific414 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/2361330164115788 Discord https://discord.gg/42YnyaVf6B Guilded https://www.guilded.gg/i/2ye7vOL22 views -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 3 "Morality Paradox" LIVE REACTION and REVIEW
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEIT's the third episode of the third season of Seth MacFarlane's sci-fi series The ORville! Tonight's episode is titled "Morality Paradox". What new discoveries will Captain Mercer and crew find this week? Watch along with me to find out! #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #watchparty SOCIAL MEDIA Link Tree https://t.co/l0d3pimssb2 views -
The Orville: New Horizons Episode 4 "Gently Falling Rain" LIVE REACTION
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEWelcome ONE and ALL to PACIFIC414 Episode Review LIVE reaction to The Orville: New Horizons episode 4 "Gently Falling Rain". I will be watching this series on Hulu. #theorville #gentlyfallingrain #livewatch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA Link Tree https://t.co/l0d3pimssb4 views -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 5 "A Tale of Two Topas" LIVE REACTION and REVIEW
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEWelcome ONE and ALL to PACIFIC414 Episode Review where we will have a live reaction followed by a review of the fifth episode of The Orville's third season "A Tale of Two Topas". What will we learn during this episode of Seth MacFarlane's sci-fi series? Let's find out together as we watch The Orville New Horizons "A Tale of Two Topas"! #TheOrville #TheOrvilleNewHorizons #ATaleofTwoTopasReaction SOCIAL MEDIA Link Tree https://t.co/l0d3pimssb3 views -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 6 "Twice in a Lifetime" Live Reaction and Review
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEWelcome ONE and ALL to PACIFIC414 Episode Review where tonight, we will be reacting to the sixth episode of The Orville's third season "Twice in a Lifetime" where from the looks of the teaser our brave crew of the USS Orville have an action packed encounter with the Kaylon and must make a daring escape! What does this episode have in store for the shows many fans? Is time travel part of the plot? Let's find out together as we watch The Orville: New Horizons episode 6 "Twice in a Lifetime"! #theorville #theorvillenewhorizons #twiceinalifetime SOCIAL MEDIA Link Tree https://t.co/l0d3pimssb7 views -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 7 "From Unknown Graves" LIVE REACTION and REVIEW
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEIt's time for another brand new episode of The Orville New Horizons this time with episode seven "From Unknown Graves". What will be the story of this week's episode and and what kind of reaction will the episode get from the fans after the mixed reaction the last three episodes have received? Let's find out as we watch this episode together then talk about it some more over on @The Nerdporeal Lifeform The Orville After Show https://youtu.be/ngaGcovN2bg The review portion for this episode starts here: https://youtu.be/b5cvpWk4rZs?t=3035 #theorville #theorvillenewhorizons #theorvilleseason3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA Link Tree https://t.co/l0d3pimssb1 view -
The Orville New Horizons Episode 8 "Midnight Blue" LIVE REACTION and REVIEW
PACIFIC414 on RUMBLEThis will be a live reaction and review of the eight episode of The Orville's third season where we once again have a story centered around the Moclans and the characters Topa and Heveena. What is this episode about? What connections to previous Moclan episodes will it have? Let's find out together during this live reaction and review of The Orville: New Horizons episode 8 "Midnight Blue". #theorville #theorvilleseason3 #theorvillenewhorizons2 views