♫ Frequency 432 Hz, verified audiotoolset.com Spectral Analysis FFT. DNA healing
Resistance ...-♫ Frequency 432 Hz, verified audiotoolset.com Spectral Analysis FFT. DNA healing. Chakra cleaning. Tune molecules with vibrations and sounds of nature. If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration. Nicholas Tesla Doctor Masaru Emoto Using tap water from Japan he sampled a few drops, froze them, examined them under an electron microscope, and photographed them. Then, that same water was put into some bottles and with adhesive tape he stuck the word love, and to another bottle he put the word hate. He exposed the bottle called love to classical music, people threw positive thoughts and love at it, then he froze it and extracted a sample. He exposed the bottle called hate to heavy metal music, had people throw negative thoughts and hate at it, then froze it and extracted a sample. The photographs made of water exposed to good thoughts and classical music showed precious crystals formed in an exact geometric order like snowflakes, however the photographs made of water exposed to bad thoughts and heavy music and annoying noises showed figures amorphous without order or geometry. Channel dedicated to regrouping and disseminating in different languages (English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, German and Italian) videos and information segregated, dispersed, censored, eliminated and lost on a multitude of topics so that you elaborate YOUR TRUTH, and not "the truth" imposed by dictatorships. I ask for your patience, it takes many hours to search, investigate, view and read information, collect the most interesting information, edit it, send the content to my collaborators for translation and republish it in other languages. My only purpose is to disseminate information, the more it is published, disseminated, announced, communicated, dispersed and disseminated in different media, the BETTER FOR EVERYONE. The truth is within each one and how you yourself interpret the information. "The tiger, lion, and panther are harmless animals, while chickens, geese, and ducks are very dangerous animals," a worm told her children. Bertrand Russell - A divided people is a lost people - · ENG · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 PAYPAL DONATIONS to continue compiling and disseminating interesting information for you to develop YOUR TRUTH, and not "the truth" imposed by dictatorships. · FRA · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 DONS PAYPAL pour continuer à compiler et diffuser des informations intéressantes pour vous permettre de développer VOTRE VÉRITÉ, et non "la vérité" imposée par les dictatures. · ESP · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 DONATIVOS PAYPAL para continuar recopilando y difundiendo información interesante para que elabores TU VERDAD, y no "la verdad" impuesta por las dictaduras. · DEU · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 PAYPAL-SPENDEN, um weiterhin interessante Informationen für Sie zusammenzustellen und zu verbreiten, um IHRE WAHRHEIT zu entwickeln, und nicht "die Wahrheit", die von Diktaturen auferlegt wird. · ITA · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 DONAZIONI PAYPAL per continuare a raccogliere e diffondere informazioni interessanti per sviluppare la TUA VERITÀ, e non "la verità" imposta dalle dittature. · POR · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 DOAÇÕES PAYPAL para continuar compilando e divulgando informações interessantes para você desenvolver a SUA VERDADE, e não "a verdade" imposta pelas ditaduras. · CHN · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 PAYPAL 捐款繼續為您編譯和傳播有趣的信息,以發展您的真相,而不是獨裁政權強加的“真相”。 · RUS · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 ПЕЙПАЛ ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЯ продолжать собирать и распространять интересную информацию для вас, чтобы развивать ВАШУ ПРАВДУ, а не «правду», навязанную диктатурой. · ARB · https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LVM5ND6S4X996 تبرعات PayPal لمواصلة تجميع ونشر المعلومات الشيقة لتنمية حقيقتك ، وليس "الحقيقة" التي تفرضها الديكتاتوريات.99 views -
432 Hz - Best Classical Music - Pachelbel - Canon in D
MANUBROMusic has the power to transcend the boundaries of time and space, and among the multiple frequencies that envelop our ears, 432 Hz stands out as a special key to open the doors of harmony. Let's plunge into this world of benevolent vibrations by exploring Johann Pachelbel's timeless work, the 'Canon in D major', a masterpiece of the classical repertoire. At 432 Hz, the frequency of the music resonates in a way that feels more natural and organic to our ears, creating a soothing and balanced aural experience. This choice of frequency is not just a matter of taste, but is also rooted in the search for harmony with the vibrations of nature itself. When the first notes of Canon in D resonate at 432 Hz, every string in the composition seems to weave an enchanting web of sound. The instruments blend harmoniously, creating a symphony that transcends the barriers of time. Violins, violas, cellos and double basses intertwine gracefully, forming a melody that evokes deep, timeless emotions. The Canon in D, at this particular frequency, seems to possess an almost mystical quality. The notes float through the air with a celestial lightness, inviting the listener to a musical meditation. Each bar is a dance step between past and present, a reminder that music can transcend time and touch our souls in a universal way. As the chords unfold and the canon progresses, we feel a profound harmony that resonates with the inner frequency of our being. It's as if the music acts as a link between the tangible world and the invisible, a gateway to the very essence of human emotion. In this way, the marriage of the Canon in D with the frequency of 432 Hz creates a musical experience that goes beyond hearing, capturing the very essence of human emotion and connection across time. It's a timeless symphony that, through its harmonious notes, reminds us that musical beauty can transcend the centuries and resonate eternally in our hearts.1.31K views 1 comment