DMW デジモン 디지몬 마스터즈 Digimon Master World 1&2 Tadao
35 videos
Updated 1 year ago
2nd DMW1&2 Account
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 01 Event Item Simul-Scan Check with Other Char on Old PC, Fixed General Monthly Quests Easy Starter Cloning from 0-15 Straight with Zero Fail and Stage Skill Leveling Start
CiVicGamerIt is too bad you can't easily do a perfect clone with a starter simply using Reinforce Clones in DMW2 as it only has a special Mega Clone for starters and reinforced clones can now supposedly fail when you try like I did in this video hence the starter Mega Clones from Starter Box Events.7 views -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 02 Stage Skill Leveling 3S Done, Data Attribute Making and Maximizing, 1 Event Quest Done, Ring SaleM, 100DE Collection & RCoinE + 1st Unboxed Rewards
CiVicGamerTime to finish skill leveling for the starter's 1st 3 stags.1 view -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 03 DMW Unique Questing + ConfusingQ, StarterQ, 3 GeneralQ & Titles Done, Another Unboxed Reward & RsScans and Opens plus Equip Upgrade Start
CiVicGamerEven DMW has its own Unboxed Rewards huh?1 view -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 04 Equip Upgrades Done, Storage Char Check Repeatable Event Quest Redone 2x, New EQ, Missed DMW LastQ, All SilverLQ Done and Scanned, Base Glove and GlassesFarming Spot
CiVicGamerFinally, Time to start File Island Questing which is basically the same as the pre-Free 1 Day Digi Aura Version but with Infinite Stamina. However, that is not the case now in DMW2.2 views -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 05 Silent Forest Questing Done and New Buff Check Set Try plus Digicore Vending & 4th Stage SLeveling Start, Crit CLone Done + New PCSwitch
CiVicGamer2nd File Island Mob Map question is Done. I wonder if this buff set is also in DMO or DMW only. Seems depending on the demand you can Vend Digicores here for 1.7m-2m each. Time to start Skill Leveling the Ultimate(Original) Mega(Dub) stage. Also done with 15 clones for critical.1 view -
Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 06 4th Stage Skill Leveling Done Starter Bust Mode QuestsStart
CiVicGamerA win for YouTube this time as BitChute can't accept this video part since I did not need to cut it into parts and then combine it as the Burst Mode Starter Quest is Quit Straight Forward anyway.1 view -
Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 07 Starter Burst Mode Quests Continued
CiVicGamerSame for this one huh? Well, It's the continuation of the previous unaccepted BitChute Part.1 view -
Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 08 Starter Burst Mode Quests Continued 2
CiVicGamerThis as well. Hopefully, the next one will work as I trimmed the excess there hence why it has ZDC at the title start.1 view -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 09 Starter Burst Mode Quests End & SBM Skill Leveling + Daily Questing Start
CiVicGamerFinally done with Starter BM Quest. Nice no problem with Bitchute for this video part.1 view -
ZDC Digimon Master World デジモン Tadao Part 10 Daily Questing and Lost Historic Site and Most Waterfront Quest Done
CiVicGamerAlmost done with FIW Questing.1 view